Students must file a degree plan no later than the end of the first regular term in which they earned a cumulative total of 45 or more credit hours. These hours include transfer courses, international baccalaureate courses, dual credit courses, course credit awarded by examination, and any other course for which the student received college course credit.
A degree plan is a statement of the course of study requirements that a student at an institution of higher education must complete to be awarded a degree from the institution. The UHV Degree Progress Report, which identifies the courses needed to earn a degree, satisfies this requirement. Students are responsible for fulfilling all requirements from the catalog with which they will graduate.
Undergraduate Students (<45 Credits):
Undergraduate students with fewer than 45 total credit hours (transfer and UHV hours) will be advised by a Student Success Coach. A formal degree progress report (DPR) will be initiated after reaching 45 total credit hours.
Undergraduate Students (with 45+ Credits) & Graduate Students:
Academic Advisors from the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences, the College of Business, the College of Education & Health Professions, and the College of Natural & Applied Science will initiate student degree progress reports (DPR). Advisors work with students and faculty advisors to complete the DPR.
The DPR will be available in students’ myUHV account once their advisor releases it. Students must review and acknowledge that they have reviewed the DPR and will abide by the policies and requirements for the intended program. Failure to do so may prohibit registration beyond the first semester. Students should complete the acknowledgment via their myUHV account. DPRs can be accessed anytime in myUHV once the advisor has released it. A new DPR acknowledgment must be done if a student changes academic colleges or majors.
Since the DPR represents the student’s commitment to completing degree requirements and the university’s commitment to holding students accountable for meeting the requirements, it is a very important document. Any change requires a substitution form with approval from the academic advisor and college dean as well as validation from the Office of the Registrar/Student Records before it becomes official.
Students who interrupt enrollment for more than one calendar year will need a new DPR upon their return to UHV.