Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Grading System


Grade Points




Excellent, superior achievement



Good, exceeding all requirements



Average, satisfactorily meeting all requirements



Poor, passing



Failing or withdrawal while doing failing work






In Progress



Grade not received and/or recorded









Withdrawal from course


Each faculty member or instructor has his/her own grading scale for determining numeric/letter grade equivalencies.


Explanation of Grades  

Passing grades awarded are A, B, C, D and S. No semester hours of credit are awarded for the failing grades of F and U.

S and U – The grades of S and U may be awarded in certain specified courses.

I – The grade of I is a conditional and temporary grade given when a student is passing a course but, for reasons beyond the student’s control, has completed all but a relatively small part of the course requirements.

Students should not re-register for the course to remove the Incomplete. Instead, the student should make arrangements with the instructor of record for all requirements needed in order to complete the course. For example, some instructors recommend or require students to attend either in person or online another term of the course (or a portion thereof) in order to remove the incomplete.  A student who is required to attend the course in a subsequent term should understand that sitting in on the course or otherwise making up the Incomplete does not count as part of the student’s full-time or part-time course load.

It is the responsibility of the student to initiate the change to a permanent grade. After successful completion of the course, the instructor of record will submit a grade change to the registrar’s office. The instructor of record is the only person who can make such a change except in extraordinary cases. Effective Fall 2006, the grade of “I” must be changed by fulfillment of course requirements within one year of the date awarded or it will be changed automatically to an “F” (or “U” for courses with “S/U” options), unless the instructor authorizes an extension of one term in writing to the registrar’s office. Any grade of I not made up by the date of graduation will be treated as an F for determination of graduation requirements.

W – The grade of W is assigned when a course is dropped after the date indicated in the Academic Calendar as the last day to drop a course without receiving a grade, but before the last day to drop a course or withdraw from the university.

If a grade of “W” is received prior to a guilty finding of academic dishonesty, the student will become subject to the Academic Honesty policy, which may include assigning “F” grades (that would replace the “W”).

Change of Final Grade

Final grades are not subject to change, except under the following conditions:

  1. The instructor’s written notification to the registrar of an error in calculating or recording a final grade. Notification is submitted through the college dean.
  2. A successful student grade appeal, in accordance with procedures described in the Student Handbook.
  3. All grade changes must be submitted within two years of the end of the semester in which the grade was originally assigned.

Note that faculty members may, at their discretion, assign an incomplete, given circumstances described above under that grade.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average is based only on coursework taken for credit at UH-Victoria. Four grade points are awarded for each semester hour in which the student receives an A, three grade points for each semester hour of B, two grade points for each semester hour of C, one grade point for each semester hour of D and no grade point for an F. The grade point average is the quotient (calculated to four decimal places and truncated to two places) obtained by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the number of semester hours in which a student is enrolled. Grades of A, B, C, D, S, and U are completion grades; grades of I and W are not completion grades. Grades of S, U, I and W are not assigned grade point values and are not used in the computation of the grade point average.

For graduation requirements and undergraduate academic probation/suspension, only the last completion grade recorded for repeated courses is used in computing the cumulative grade point average for courses at UH-Victoria. However, all courses attempted and grades earned at UHV, including repeated courses, will be included in the GPA calculation for determining undergraduate graduation with honors (see “Graduation with Honors”).

With prior approval of the college’s dean, students may repeat courses at another college or university to raise a grade, including an “F” earned at UHV. However, the original grade earned at UHV will remain a part of the academic record. Courses repeated at other institutions are treated as transfer credit. They will not be considered resident credit and will not be included in the UHV grade point average. Any grade of I not made up by the date of graduation will be treated as an F for determination of graduation requirements.