Sep 23, 2024  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Course Descriptions


Course Numbering System

Each course is represented by four capital letters followed by a four-digit numeral (e.g., FINC 3311).

The letters form an abbreviation for the instructional area while the numeral is interpreted as follows:

First Digit: The first digit indicates academic level and provides information regarding restrictions as to undergraduate and/or graduate student enrollment:

1000 and 2000 series –undergraduate lower division
3000 and 4000 series – undergraduate upper division (normally for undergraduate students but with advisor approval for graduate students).
6000 series – graduate courses (for graduate students only except for undergraduates with an approved mixed load petition).

Second Digit: The second digit indicates the amount of credit awarded. For example, a course numbered 4331, carries three semester hours of credit.

Third and Fourth Digits: The third and fourth digits are used to distinguish between courses within an instructional area. Course Punctuation

One of the following marks of punctuation may immediately follow the course number, or may separate a series of course numbers. Internal punctuations (between multi-listed courses) take precedence over all punctuation in a series of course numbers. The significance of each mark of punctuation is as follows:

  • Colon – A colon (:) following a course number indicates that the course may be taken as an independent one-semester course. This also applies when two course numbers are separated by a colon.
  • Comma – A comma (,) between course numbers indicates that both courses must be taken before credit is received for either, but the second course may be taken first.
  • Hyphen – A hyphen (-) between course numbers indicates that both courses must be taken before credit is received for either. The first course must be completed before the student enrolls in the second course, or if “concurrent enrollment only” is shown in the course description, both courses must be taken at the same time.
  • Semicolon – A semicolon (;) between course numbers indicates that the first course may be taken and justify credit without completion of the second course, but the second course cannot be taken without the first as prerequisite.

The three numbers in parentheses (0-0-0) after each course title indicate the number of semester credit hours, the number of class hours per week, and the number of additional laboratory or activity hours per week.


English - Graduate

  • ENGL 6314 Speculative and Science Fiction Literature

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; may be repeated for credit, with approval of program director (if topics differ in the semesters).
    In-depth analysis of the science fiction and/or speculative fiction genre, including theoretical and historical foundations.
  • ENGL 6315 Postcolonial and Anglophone Literature

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; may be repeated for credit, with approval of program director (if topics differ in the semesters).
    In-depth analysis of a selected period, major movement, or author in postcolonial and anglophone literature. Focuses on relations between literature, culture, language, and political context.
  • ENGL 6316 Modern and Contemporary Literature of China

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; may be repeated for credit, with approval of program director (if topics differ in the semesters).
    In-depth analysis of 20th and 21st Century literature from China. Focuses on the relation between literature, culture, language, and the context in which it was produced.
  • ENGL 6322 Applied Translation

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Dalkey Certificate in Applied Literary Translation.
    A graduate Publishing course whose primary focus is on securing an applied knowledge of literary translation, and on understanding best practices in drafting an acceptable translation in particular. Cross-listed with PUBL 6322 .
  • ENGL 6330 British Literary History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    In-depth analysis of a selected period or major movement in British literary history. Focuses on the relation between literature and the history of the time. May not be repeated for credit.
  • ENGL 6332 American Literary History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    In-depth analysis of a selected period or major movement in American literary history. Focuses on the relation between literature and the history of the time. May not be repeated for credit.
  • ENGL 6333 Form and Poetics

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 6360 .
    A graduate Creative Writing studio course in which the primary focus is on understanding the nature of poetics as it relates to creative writing, and on understanding form, including traditional and experimental forms of writing.
  • ENGL 6340 Literary Theory

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    In-depth analysis of literary theory and criticism and its application to literature. Cross-listed with CRTH 6317 . May not be repeated for credit.
  • ENGL 6350 Genre Studies

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    In-depth analysis of a genre, including theoretical and historical foundations. May not be repeated for credit.
  • ENGL 6360 Graduate Writing Workshop

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    A studio course in which the primary texts are student manuscripts. The workshops examine principles and techniques of creating, evaluating, and revising writing in the fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction categories. The course requires class members to review writing produced by other workshop members. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • ENGL 6361 Graduate Poetry Writing Workshop

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    A studio course in which the primary texts are student manuscripts. The workshops examine principles and techniques of creating, evaluating, and revising writing in the poetry genre. The course requires class members to write original work and to review writing produced by other workshop members. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • ENGL 6362 Studies in Latino Literature

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course will provide a survey of literature written by Latino authors in the U.S. This course will explore the diversity of social, political, economic, personal, and cultural experiences of Latino people through the use of poetry, novels, short stories, and essays written by such authors. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • ENGL 6363 Graduate Fiction Writing Workshop

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    A studio course in which the primary texts are student manuscripts. The workshops examine principles and techniques of creating, evaluating, and revising writing in the fiction genre. The course requires class members to write original work and to review writing produced by other workshop members. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • ENGL 6364 Graduate Creative Nonfiction Writing Workshop

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    A studio course in which the primary texts are student manuscripts. The workshops examine principles and techniques of creating, evaluating, and revising writing in the creative nonfiction genre. The course requires class members to write original work and to review writing produced by other workshop members. This course may be repeated for credit.
  • ENGL 6365 Literature and Science

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    In-depth analysis of literature in the interdisciplinary field of Literature and Science, including theoretical and historical foundations. May be repeated for credit, with approval of program director (if topics differ in the semesters).
  • ENGL 6366 Narrative and Narratology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    Overview of theoretical approaches to narrative texts in all media, emphasizing the elements, uses and effects of narrative as an organizational paradigm for human experience. May be repeated for credit, with approval of program director (if topics differ in the semesters).

English as a Second Language - Graduate

  • ESLN 6310 Assessment in Bilingual and ESL Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course is designed for professionals in education to explore the fundamental theories and practices concerning the assessment of English Learners and bilingual students.
  • ESLN 6311 Foundations of Bilingual and ESL Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Integrating the fields of ESL, bilingual, and multicultural education, it studies the conceptual, linguistic, sociocultural, historical, political, and legislative foundations of bilingual and ESL education.
  • ESLN 6312 Principles of Second Language Teaching

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course is designed for professionals in education to gain a comprehensive framework of the knowledge and skills essential for teaching English Language Learners.
  • ESLN 6313 Teaching Second Language Literacy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills for promoting oral language, reading, and writing development in English for English Language learners.
  • ESLN 6314 Teaching English as a 2nd Language

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course is designed to help educators to explore a variety of second language teaching methods, teaching principles, techniques, and strategies used for working with English Language Learners.

Foundations of Education - Graduate

  • FEDU 6300 Special Topics in Foundations of Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    May be repeated when topics vary.
  • FEDU 6321 Foundations of Educational Research

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    The scientific method applied to educational problems; systematic application of hypothesis formation and decision-making through elementary research design principles, survey procedures and historical analysis.
  • FEDU 6322 Educational Assessments

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Focus on strategies, techniques and higher level thinking skills for developing classroom assessment and beyond. Evaluate and critique teacher-made and standardized tests. (Formerly : “Foundations of Educational Measurement”
  • FEDU 6323 Cultural & Social Foundations of American Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education VOICE Program
    Analysis of social, political and economic forces that impact education in the United States. (Formerly : “Cultural Foundations of American Education”.)
  • FEDU 6331 Human Growth and Development

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    An introduction to the current theories and empirical research with emphasis on the physical, affective, psychosocial, and cognitive development of humans throughout the lifespan.
  • FEDU 6332 Adult Development

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Theories of adult development and implications for adult learners. Explores theories of cognitive, intellectual, and epistemological adult development. Topics include the nature of adult development, psychological and socio-cultural aspects of adult development, and implication for instruction.
  • FEDU 6333 Principles of Human Learning

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Applications of behavioral, social and cognitive theories of learning. Particular emphasis will be placed on cognitive theories of learning, metacognitive skills and how to promote metacognitive skills to develop self-regulated learners.
  • FEDU 6334 Foundations of Adult Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Overview course designed to give participants an understanding of the field of practice in adult education. It will offer an overview of the major historical developments of adult education, particular to the U.S. and will examine the philosophical roots of adult education.
  • FEDU 6335 Diversity and Adult Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course entails an analysis of diversity in the adult educational context. Various psychosocial developmental factors of diverse identity groups and the influence of these variables on adult instruction will be studied.

Film - Graduate

  • FILM 6300 Selected Topics in Film

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    May be repeated when topics vary.
  • FILM 6310 Critical Theory

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Become familiar with the history and ideas of critical social theory and how to apply to contemporary situations.
  • FILM 6311 Film and Psychology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Study of film structure and the psychological techniques employed by filmmakers to generate audience interest, emotional involvement and satisfaction.
  • FILM 6312 Film, Fantasy, & Romance

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Explores some of the more creative uses of film and the imaginative literary genres from which these films derive: fantasy, romance and science fiction.
  • FILM 6313 Political Film

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Examines films that reveal key aspects of power in society: democratic, capitalistic or otherwise.

Finance - Graduate

  • FINC 6300 Selected Topics in Finance

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FINC 6352  or concurrent enrollment with FINC 6352 .
    May be repeated when topics vary. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • FINC 6352 Financial Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): ACCT 6351 , ECON 6351 , and QMSC 6351 
    Effects of projects and financial policy on shareholder wealth. This course focuses on the basic concepts and methods of finance, including net present value, the capital asset pricing model, and market efficiency, within the context of the valuation of assets, risk and return, cost of capital, financial planning and forecasting, and agency theory. (Formerly FIN 6315) (Credit will not be given for both FINC 6352 and FIN 3615.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • FINC 6361 Investments

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FINC 6352  or concurrent enrollment with FINC 6352 .
    The course objective is to achieve an understanding of the various types of investments and their relative merits; security prices and yields; investment objectives, principles and standards for selection of specific investments; introduction to portfolio management. (Formerly FIN 6317) (Credit will not be given for both FINC 6361 and FIN 6317.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • FINC 6362 Financial Institutions & Markets

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FINC 6352  or concurrent enrollment with FINC 6352 
    Study of the financial markets, instruments and the role of banks and other financial institutions in the economy. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • FINC 6363 Financial Modeling

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FINC 6352  or concurrent enrollment with FINC 6352 
    This course combines the application of financial theories and concepts, spreadsheet skills and Visual Basic to analyze financial statements, prepare cash budgets, prepare financial forecasts, perform time value of money, stock and bond analysis, perform breakeven and leverage analysis, make cost of capital and capital budgeting decisions, perform portfolio analysis, and apply Visual Basic for financial analysis. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • FINC 6364 Applied Technical Analysis of Energy and Commodity Markets

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FINC 6352  or concurrent enrollment with FINC 6352 
    This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to trading mechanisms of various financial products, such as stocks, bonds, futures, commodities and foreign exchanges. The coverage will emphasize technical analysis of securities. Fundamental analysis will also be discussed. Formerly “Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities”. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • FINC 6365 Derivatives

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FINC 6352  or concurrent enrollment with FINC 6352 
    Covers how futures and options function, how and why they are used, and how they are valued. Topics include the mechanics of futures markets, hedging strategies using futures, interest rate futures contracts, mechanics of options markets, trading strategies involving options, and pricing options using binomial trees and the Black-Scholes- Merton model Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • FINC 6366 Risk Management & Insurance

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FINC 6352  or concurrent enrollment with FINC 6352 
    This course focuses on the fundamentals of risk management and insurance by exploring sources of risk, the costs of risk, and the methods available to individuals and corporations to mitigate the cost of risk. Topics include health insurance, homeowners insurance, auto insurance, commercial property and liability insurances, insurance markets, and insurance regulation. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • FINC 6367 International Finance

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FINC 6352  or concurrent enrollment with FINC 6352 .
    Discussion of international monetary system; balance of payments concept; institutional and structure arrangements within the foreign exchange market; basic foreign exchange market products; importance of parity condition; exchange rate determination; Eurocurrency and Eurobond market; international equity market; foreign currency options and futures; hedging foreign exchanges exposure; international capital budgeting and working capital management; and cost of capital and capital structure in multinationals. (Formerly FIN 6313) (Credit will not be given for both FINC 6367 and FIN 6313.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour

Forensic Science - Graduate

  • FORS 6300 Special Topics in Forensic Science

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    May be repeated when topics vary.
  • FORS 6311 Forensic Science and the Law

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    An overview of the American legal system, courtroom proceedings, and evidentiary rules related to Forensic Science.
  • FORS 6312 Anatomy and Forensic Anthropology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Survey methods exhuming human remains for determining a victim’s identity, time and cause of death, racial ancestry, age, gender for crime. Includes laboratory/cemetery where students will exhume remains.
  • FORS 6330 Forensic Biology and Criminalistics

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 4325  or Approval of instructor.
    An introduction to the basic and more advanced principles in forensic biology, DNA science and criminalistics.

Gaming - Graduate

  • GMNG 6311 Fundamentals of 3D Modeling

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and 3 s.h. of upper-division math.
    Fundamental 3D theories, principles, methodologies for creating and exploring 3D computer models, modeling techniques including texturing, lighting, and rendering 3D models. Apply the concepts to one or more programming projects. A major term-long team project ending with presentation.
  • GMNG 6314 Fundamentals of Game Networks

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): COSC 6339  or a background in networking with concurrent enrollment in COSC 6339 .
    Study the theory and application of massively multiplayer game development. Topics will include design, architecture, and development of massively multiplayer gaming systems. Network, security, and database techniques used in the development process will also be covered.
  • GMNG 6316 Advanced Level Design

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 3321 
    Gaming Mathematics for Non-Programmers and experience with 3D Modeling. In-depth coverage of level design theory for games and simulations, and applications of leveling theory in designing levels, characters, and objects.
  • GMNG 6322 Intelligent Agents for Games

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): GMNG 6343 , or permission from instructor.
    Critically examine what intelligent agents are, how to design them, and how new techniques arising from this field can be applied to problems requiring intelligent solutions in games. Reference will be made to the different types of problems which intelligent agent techniques can help solve, such as automating decision making, recognition tasks, etc. It will equip students with sufficient understanding of current theory and applications so that they will be able to apply that knowledge to address future software and business needs.
  • GMNG 6343 Artificial Intelligence for Games

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Coursework in Probability and Statistics, Algorithms, or permission of instructor.
    Navigation, pathfinding, non-player character behavior, strategic intelligence, content generation, conversational behavior, coordinated behavior, learning-player modeling, strategy learning, etc. Combine design and technology to craft a powerful, engaging player experience. Readings in contemporary Game AI. Term project.

History - Graduate

  • HIST 6300 Selected Topics in History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    May be repeated when topics vary.
  • HIST 6302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3 per semester or more than 3 by concurrent enrollment.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of instructor.
  • HIST 6310 U.S. Social History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Study of the major social, ethnic and racial groups in American society and the forces, including war, immigration and religion, which have changed them.
  • HIST 6311 20th Century U.S. History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Subjects to be considered include America’s role in the two world wars, the New Deal, the war in Vietnam and the reforms of the Kennedy-Johnson administrations.
  • HIST 6313 Religion in America

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course introduces students to religious trends in the U.S. from colonial times to the present.
  • HIST 6314 Modern British History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Study of 19th and 20th century British history with particular attention to the emergence of parliamentary democracy and the two world wars.
  • HIST 6315 African American Studies

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course introduces students to African American history and culture from colonial times to the present.
  • HIST 6316 Nazi Germany

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Study of the origin and development of Nazi Germany through readings in key historical sources.

Interdisciplinary Studies - Graduate

  • INDS 6300 Selected Topics in the Humanities

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Focuses on a humanities topic not belonging exclusively to any single traditional discipline. Topics include cross-disciplinary objects of study (e.g., utopianism) and cross-disciplinary heuristics (e.g., feminist hermeneutics). May be repeated with permission of advisor.
  • INDS 6302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of advisor.
  • INDS 6305 Interdisciplinary Research Project

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Last semester of MAIS program.
    Required course for students with first concentration in bioinformatics, computer science, or math. Option for all other concentrations. Requires approval of concentration coordinator.
  • INDS 6307 Thesis Project

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Semester Credit Hours: 3 semester hours
    Course Level: Graduate

    Master’s Thesis.
  • INDS 6308 Master’s Thesis

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

  • INDS 6309 Master’s Thesis

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

  • INDS 6312 Introduction to Interdisciplinary Studies

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MAIS program; Must be taken within first 15 s.h. of course work.
    Investigates the formation, history and current status of traditional disciplines as background for the study of the theory and practice of interdisciplinary studies; considers how disciplines interact and how projects cross disciplinary lines.
  • INDS 6313 Gender Studies

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    A review of recent work in gender studies in humanities and social sciences.
  • INDS 6315 Cultural Studies

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    An interdisciplinary study of the main problems linking culture and society. Cross-listed with CRTH 6315 .
  • INDS 6316 Critical Theory

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate status.
    This course will develop critical thinking skills and introduce students to critical theories and methodologies that cross disciplinary lines with special attention to social justice and social formation. Cross-listed with CRTH 6316 .
  • INDS 6317 History of American Thought

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    A survey of American intellectual history. Content areas will include religion, politics, economics, philosophy, culture, and social commentary.
  • INDS 6321 Interdisciplinary Research

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): INDS 6312 .
    This course allows students to design and execute research in multiple concentrations. On-line research will be included.
  • INDS 6322 American Thought: Studies in Ideology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course introduces students to the methodology of researching, analyzing sources, and writing papers in the field of American Studies.
  • INDS 6324 Ethics

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    An inquiry into the principles and problems of moral psychology.
  • INDS 6326 Social Philosophy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    An analysis of the principles of justice as they apply to politics, economics, and culture.

Language - Graduate

  • LANG 6310 Linguistics and Reading

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Study of relationship between language/language acquisition and reading. Focus on normal language acquisition, reading acquisition and on students with limited English and language disabilities.

Literacy Studies - Graduate

  • LITY 6304 Practicum in Literacy

    Cr. 3
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission into the School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development Graduate Program
    Connecting research-based traditional and New Literacies theoretical foundations to instructional practices under supervision in a field setting. Includes development of virtual multi-literacies portfolio.
  • LITY 6330 Using Multicultural Literature in Schools

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development graduate program.
    Evaluation and selection of children and adolescent multicultural fiction and non-fiction literature, literacy approaches with an emphasis on comprehension and assessment of literacy development. (Formerly C&I 6330).
  • LITY 6331 Instruction for Students with Literacy Difficulties

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development graduate program.
    Research-based study of instructional strategies for age-appropriate prevention and intervention to promote literacy development for the struggling student, including those with dyslexia.
  • LITY 6332 Literacy Leadership and Critical Policy Action

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development graduate program.
    Examination of the role of a literacy leader; how public policy impacts P-12 literacy curriculum and instruction; how to become an informed maker of multi-literacy policies.
  • LITY 6333 Theory and Application of Writing for Globalized Learning

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development graduate program.
    Analysis of the researched-based theoretical dimensions of traditional and virtual written communication to promote effective pedagogy for writing growth of 21st century students. Includes development of virtual multi-literacies portfolio.
  • LITY 6334 Foundations in Developmental Reading

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development graduate program.
    Study of reading foundations, focusing on necessary skills for standard development; examination of dyslexia and how these skills are underdeveloped in readers with dyslexia.
  • LITY 6340 Professional Literacy Research

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FEDU 6321 , LITY 6360 , Admission into the School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development Graduate Program.
    Designing and conducting original school-based action literacy research projects. Including development of virtual multi-literacies portfolio.
  • LITY 6360 Theoretical Foundations of New and Traditional Literacies

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development Graduate Program.
    Analysis and comparison of New Literacies and traditional literacy theories that impact literacy education; focus on cognitive, linguistic, cultural, social, and neurobiological development. (Formerly : Survey of Reading Instruction; Foundations of Literacy Learning) (Formerly C&I 6360).
  • LITY 6362 Assessment of Multi-Literacies Learning

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development Graduate Program.
    Study of formal and informal literacy assessment tools, instructional resources, and theoretical underpinnings that guide the use of these tools, including process of dyslexia screening.
  • LITY 6363 New and Traditional Literacies across the Content Areas

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development Graduate Program.
    Application of research-based virtual and traditional literacy approaches across the content areas including: evaluation, selection and application of digital media and traditional reading materials in classrooms. Including developing of virtual multi-literacies portfolio.

Management - Graduate

  • MGMT 6300 Selected Topics in Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 6351  or consent of the instructor.
    May be repeated when topics vary. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6351 Management and Organizational Behavior

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing required for enrollment
    This course provides an overview of managerial functions with an emphasis on the study of individual, group and inter-group behaviors in organizations; focus will be contemporary management theories with an emphasis on practical applications. (Formerly MGT 6320) (Credit will not be given for both MGMT 6351 and MGT 6320.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6352 Management Information Systems

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Basic competency in computer literacy.; graduate standing required for enrollment
    This course focuses on current (and future) information technology capabilities that can be leveraged for strategic and operational advantage, as well as the limitations and potential problems involved in the use of information technology. (Formerly MGT 6316) (Credit will not be given for both MGMT 6352 and MGT 6316.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6353 Management of Diversity in Organizations

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 6351  and MGMT 6351 
    This course provides students with an opportunity to develop the necessary knowledge and skills in the areas of inter-personal, team-building, communication, mentoring, counseling, decision-making and problem solving, conflict management and negotiation; emphasis will be placed on managing a diverse work force and cross-functional teams with a focus on practical applications. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6354 Leadership and Organizational Change

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): BUSI 6351  and MGMT 6351 
    This course examines the key role of the leader as a change agent in organizations. Students will be able to understand various models and theories of organizational change and the role of the leader in the diagnosis and implementation of change. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6355 Operations Management: Creating Competitive Advantages

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): QMSC 6351 
    This course focuses on using operations to compete and win sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Operations management covers the design, operation and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm’s primary products and services. (Formerly QMS 6322) (Credit will not be given for both MGMT 6355 and QMS 6322.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6359 Seminar in Strategic Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of all MBA Core Courses - MGMT 6354  may be taken concurrently.
    Using cases and recent articles, this course focuses on value creation through strategic formulation and implementation. (Formerly MGT 6331) (Credit will not be given for both MGMT 6359 and MGT 6331.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6367 International Operations Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): QMSC 6351  and MGMT 6352 
    This course examines various strategic and operational issues in the design, planning and execution of a firm’s international operations, including acquisition of input resources, location of production facilities and logistics. The course will cover a range of topics from a strategic overview of international operations to detailed operational mechanisms to match global supply with demand from multinational markets for a firm’s products and services. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6369 International Business Strategy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 6367 , FINC 6367 , MGMT 6367 , MGMT 6377  and MKTG 6377 
    Using an international consulting project, this course focuses on value creation through strategic formulation and implementation in the global marketplace. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6371 Contemporary Management Issues

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 6351 
    Provides an understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of corporate environment in the current global economy in which business and its environment are not clearly separated. Includes discussion of emerging technologies, globalization, future trends, Learning Organization, recruiting and training the knowledge worker, Corporate Universities, mergers, acquisitions, Innovation Dilemma, Information Technology, and strategy transformation. (Formerly MGT 6326) (Credit will not be given for both MGMT 6371 and MGT 6326.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6372 Organizational Theory and Development

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 6351 
    Theoretical foundations and action strategies of organizational theory and development with emphasis on organizational analysis. Role of the general manager, problems and challenges of corporate managers in complex organizations, strategies in a turbulent environment. (Formerly MGT 6335.) (Credit will not be given for both MGMT 6372 and MGT 6335.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6373 Seminar in Behavioral Decision Making

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 6351 
    Factors that affect individual judgment and decision making; effect of group dynamics on decision making; strategies for improving decision making. (Formerly MGT 6336.) (Credit will not be given for both MGMT 6373 and MGT 6336.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • MGMT 6374 Human Resources Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 6351 .
    This course encompasses an analysis of the classical and contemporary administrative functions involved in the management of people within organizations. Emphasizes staffing, EEO regulation, compensation policy, performance appraisal, and training and career development within the context of an increasingly diverse, internationalized, and competitive organizational environment. (Formerly MGT 6328) (Credit will not be given for both MGMT 6374 and MGT 6328.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour

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