2019-20 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Business Administration, B.B.A.
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The BBA program prepares graduates for professional positions in business. Such an education produces graduates who:
- Comprehend the business environment and functions.
- Demonstrate effective communication skills.
- Demonstrate computer usage skills.
- Employ ethical principles in business situations.
- Demonstrate the ability to work effectively on teams in organizational situations.
The following requirements apply to all candidates for the Bachelor of Business Administration degree (accounting, finance, general business, healthcare administration, human resources management, international business, marketing, and supply chain management).
- Students must satisfy all university requirements for a bachelor’s degree as found in the section UNIVERSITY DEGREE REQUIREMENTS of this catalog.
- Fifty percent of upper-level course work in all business concentrations must be taken from UHV. Students can accumulate no more than two D’s in the business major, which includes both the major core and the concentration. Undergraduate credit within the business major must be less than 10 years old at the time of graduation unless an exception is granted by the Dean’s Office via appeal. It is the prerogative of the Dean’s Office to determine (1) whether the courses meet current standards of the discipline, and (2) whether students demonstrate sufficient retention of the content to apply it.
- Lower Division Major Core Requirements (subject to D-grade limit, and 10-year course age limit):
- 3 semester hours of principles of computing (TCCN COSC 1301 ); may be used to satisfy part of the university Core 090 component.
- 6 semester hours of finite mathematics and calculus (TCCN MATH 1324 and MATH 1325 ); 3 hours may be used to satisfy the university Core 020 component.
- 6 semester hours of economics (TCCN ECON 2301 and ECON 2302 ); 3 hours may be used to satisfy the university Core 080 component.
- 6 semester hours of principles of accounting (TCCN ACCT 2301 /2401 and ACCT 2302 /2402).
- 3 semester hours of business/professional speech or public speaking (TCCN SPCH 1315 or SPCH 1321); may be used to satisfy part of the university Core 090 component.
- Lower or Upper Division:
- Free electives to complete 120 s.h. minimum degree requirements. Credit in this category will not exceed 5 hours.
- Upper Division Major Core Requirements (subject to D-grade limit, and 10-year course age limit): 37 semester hours of a common business core (Professional Writing, Business Statistics, Information Systems in Organizations, Principles of Management, Principles of Marketing, Legal Environment of Business, Business Finance, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Financial Statement Analysis, Managerial Economics, Strategy & the Business Environment, and Leadership).
- Capstone Course: All BBA students must complete the MGMT 4309 Strategic Management course. The course is only offered in the fall and spring semesters and credit for the course may not be transferred from another institution. Students may not register for the course until they meet prerequisites as described in their catalog.
- Comprehensive Exam: A comprehensive exam covering the content of the BBA core classes is required to be completed by students enrolled in the MGMT 4309 course. Students may choose to take the exam at one of the arranged testing sites, or will need to make suitable proctoring arrangements.
- BBA Conference: All BBA students must participate in the BBA Conference during the semester in which they enroll in MGMT 4309 . The conference is held each fall and spring and requires face-to-face attendance at the event. BBA students should check the schedule (available online at www.uhv.edu/business/undergraduate-programs/conference/information/) prior to registration to avoid scheduling conflicts.
- BBA students are expected to
- Be familiar with the mission and values of the program and to comply with the expectations of them outlined in this catalog, their new student orientation, and their course syllabi.
- Maintain high standards of academic honesty and ethical behavior as outlined on course syllabi each semester.
- Track their progress on their degree programs and contact their advisors promptly to resolve questions about their enrollment.
- Verify that they have the appropriate prerequisites for their courses each semester.
- Apply for graduation by the published deadline for the semester in which they will complete degree requirements.
- Ensure that the School of Business Administration has current contact information for them at all times, and visit the school’s web page (http://www.uhv.edu/business/) regularly for important updates as well as to obtain information on course textbooks and syllabi prior to each semester.
The previous degree information is summarized in the following section:
Business Administration Plan (Accounting, Economics, Finance, General Business, Healthcare Administration, International Business, Management, Marketing, Supply Chain Management)
Core Curriculum Requirements
(42 total core hours required). - Core 010 Communication
- Core 020 Mathematics
- Core 030 Life and Physical Science
- Core 040 Language, Philosophy and Culture
- Core 050 Creative Arts
- Core 060 American History
- Core 070 Government/Political Science
- Core 080 Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Core 090 Component Area Option: Speech
- Core 090 Component Area Option: Computer Literacy
Academic Plans/Concentrations (Choose One)
- Accounting * 21 s.h.
- Finance* 21 s.h.
- General Business* 21 s.h.
- Economics* 18 s.h.
- Healthcare Administration* 18 s.h.
- Human Resources Management* 18 s.h.
- International Business* 18 s.h.
- Supply Chain Management* 18 s.h.
- Management * 21 s.h.
- Marketing * 21 s.h.
Free electives outside the School of Business as needed to satisfy the 120 semester hour minimum (may be LD or UD) Total: 120 s.h. **
* Footnote Descriptions: Accounting - ACCT 3311 , ACCT 3312 , ACCT 3313 , ACCT 4311 , ACCT 4320 , ACCT 4321 , and ACCT 4331 . Economics - ECON 3321 , ECON 3322 , ECON 3311 , ECON 4315 , six hours of electives selected from HCAD 4354 , ECON 4316 , ECON 4317 . Finance - FINC 3321 , FINC 4320 , FINC 4325 , FINC 4352 , six hours of finance electives, and a three hour business broadening course. General Business - MGMT 4320 , MKTG 4311 , MGMT 4303 , and MGMT 4316 or MKTG 4325 , and 9 semester hours business electives chosen from ACCT, FINC, HCAD, IBUS, MGMT, MKTG. (No more than 6 hours in one area.) Healthcare Administration HCAD 4353 , HCAD 4355 , HCAD 4351 , HCAD 4352 , HCAD 4354 , and HCAD 4356 . Human Resources Management - MGMT 4311 , MGMT 4312 , MGMT 4313 , MGMT 4317 and 6 semester hours selected from MGMT 4300 (w/HR in title), MGMT 4325 , or MGMT 4320 . International Business - MGMT 4316 , FINC 4325 , ECON 4316 , MKTG 4325 , and 6 semester hours of electives (one course chosen from “A” courses [see below] and one course from “B” courses [see below] or one Study Abroad and one foreign language course) Management MGMT 4311 , MGMT 4325 , MGMT 4316 , MGMT 4320 , six hours of management electives, and a three hour business broadening course. Marketing MKTG 4311 , MKTG 4313 , MKTG 4340 , 9 hours of marketing electives, and a three hour business broadening course. Supply Chain Management MGMT 4337 , MGMT 4336 , MGMT 4335 , MGMT 4316 , MKTG 4315 or MKTG 4340 , and a three hour business broadening course. ** Minimum of 120 s.h. Academic Plans/Concentrations
Requirements: 21 semester hours composed of 3 semester hours of cost accounting, 6 semester hours of intermediate accounting, 3 semester hours of tax accounting, 3 semester hours of auditing, 3 semester hours of accounting information systems, and 3 semester hours of advanced financial accounting. The seven required courses are Economics
Requirements: 18 semester hours composed of 12 semester hours of required economics courses, and 6 semester hours of electives, selected from an approved list. The four required courses are: Electives:
6 semester hours selected from the following courses: Finance
Requirements: 21 semester hours composed of 12 semester hours of required finance courses, 6 semester hours of finance electives, and a 3-semester hour upper-level business broadening course. The four required courses are: Electives:
6 semester hours selected from the following courses: Upper-level Courses
The 3-semester hour upper-level business broadening course may be selected from the finance elective list above, or selected from the accounting, healthcare administration, management, or marketing elective offerings. COMM 3326 may also be used to satisfy this requirement.^ General Business
Requirements: 21 semester hours composed of 12 semester hours of required business courses and 9 semester hours of upper-level business electives selected from at least two discipline areas. The four required courses are: Upper-level Hours
9 additional upper-level semester hours selected from accounting, finance, healthcare administration, management or marketing elective offerings. No more than 6 of the 9 hours may be taken in any one area. COMM 3326 may also be used to satisfy this requirement.^ Healthcare Administration
Requirements: 18 semester hours composed of 3 semester hours of human resource management, 3 semester hours of organizational change, 3 semester hours of quality assessment for patient care improvement or healthcare delivery systems and organization, 3 semester hours of healthcare information systems management or healthcare informatics, 3 semester hours of economics of healthcare or healthcare finance, and 3 semester hours strategic healthcare management and planning. The six required courses are Human Resources Management
Requirements: 18 semester hours composed of 12 semester hours of required human resources management courses, and 6 semester hours of management electives selected from an approved list. The four required courses are Electives:
6 semester hours selected from the following courses. International Business
Requirements: 18 semester hours composed of 12 semester hours of required international business management courses, and 6 semester hours of electives (selected from an approved lists). The four required courses are: Electives:
6 semester hours (one course from A and one course from B or one Study Abroad and one foreign language course). Management
Requirements: 21 semester hours composed of 12 semester hours of required management courses, 6 semester hours of management electives, and a 3-semester hour upper-level business broadening course. The four required courses are: Electives:
6 semester hours selected from the following courses. Upper-level Course
The 3-semester hour upper-level business broadening course may be selected from the management elective list above, or selected from the accounting, finance, healthcare administration, or marketing elective offerings. PSYC 3310 , HUMA 4322 , or COMM 3326 may also be used to satisfy this requirement. Marketing
Requirements: 21 semester hours composed of 9 semester hours of required marketing courses, 9 semester hours of marketing electives, and a 3-semester hour upper-level business broadening course. The three required courses are: Electives:
9 semester hours selected from the following courses: Upper-level Course
The 3-semester hour upper-level business broadening course may be selected from the marketing elective list above, or selected from the accounting, finance, healthcare administration, or management elective offerings. COMM 3326 may also be used to satisfy this requirement.^ Supply Chain Management
Requirements: 18 semester hours composed of 3 semester hours of global supply chain management, 3 semester hours of global logistics management, 3 semester hours of project management, 3 semester hours of international management, 3 semester hours of business-to-business marking or marketing management, and 3 semester hours of an upper-division business broadening course. The six required courses are Upper-level Course
The 3-semester hour upper-level business broadening course may be selected from the marketing elective list above, or selected from the accounting, finance, healthcare administration, or management elective offerings. COMM 3326 may also be used to satisfy this requirement.^ ^No course may be counted within both the core and concentration. Students must meet prerequisites for any course selected. |
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