Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Catalog 
2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Course Descriptions


Course Numbering System

Each course is represented by four capital letters followed by a four-digit numeral (e.g., FINC 3311).

The letters form an abbreviation for the instructional area while the numeral is interpreted as follows:

First Digit: The first digit indicates academic level and provides information regarding restrictions as to undergraduate and/or graduate student enrollment:

1000 and 2000 series –undergraduate lower division
3000 and 4000 series – undergraduate upper division (normally for undergraduate students but with advisor approval for graduate students).
6000 series – graduate courses (for graduate students only except for undergraduates with an approved mixed load petition).

Second Digit: The second digit indicates the amount of credit awarded. For example, a course numbered 4331, carries three semester hours of credit.

Third and Fourth Digits: The third and fourth digits are used to distinguish between courses within an instructional area. Course Punctuation

One of the following marks of punctuation may immediately follow the course number, or may separate a series of course numbers. Internal punctuations (between multi-listed courses) take precedence over all punctuation in a series of course numbers. The significance of each mark of punctuation is as follows:

  • Colon – A colon (:) following a course number indicates that the course may be taken as an independent one-semester course. This also applies when two course numbers are separated by a colon.
  • Comma – A comma (,) between course numbers indicates that both courses must be taken before credit is received for either, but the second course may be taken first.
  • Hyphen – A hyphen (-) between course numbers indicates that both courses must be taken before credit is received for either. The first course must be completed before the student enrolls in the second course, or if “concurrent enrollment only” is shown in the course description, both courses must be taken at the same time.
  • Semicolon – A semicolon (;) between course numbers indicates that the first course may be taken and justify credit without completion of the second course, but the second course cannot be taken without the first as prerequisite.

The three numbers in parentheses (0-0-0) after each course title indicate the number of semester credit hours, the number of class hours per week, and the number of additional laboratory or activity hours per week.


Psychology - Graduate

  • PSYC 6333 Ethics and Practice of Psychology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Professional orientation to the roles, ethical and legal standards of practice in counseling psychology and forensic psychology. (Formerly : Psychology and the Law)
  • PSYC 6334 Theories and Issues in Psychotherapy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to master’s program in psychology.
    Examination of the major schools of psychotherapy including theory, process, issues, and efficacy.
  • PSYC 6335 Techniques of Psychotherapy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 6334 .
    Therapy skills introduced through didactic, demonstration and experiential learning situations. Students will be rated on oral communication and clinical skills in application of various techniques.
  • PSYC 6336 Intellectual Assessment

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to master’s program in psychology.
    Intake interviewing, behavioral observations, administration and interpretation of standardized intellectual and achievement tests, writing evaluations. (Formerly “Introduction to Assessment”)
  • PSYC 6337 Personality Assessment

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to master’s program in psychology and PSYC 6336 .
    Administration, scoring and interpretation of personality tests and specific diagnostic tests. (Formerly “Advanced Assessment”)
  • PSYC 6338 Group Psychotherapy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 6335 .
    Theory and techniques of group psychotherapy; emphasis on process.
  • PSYC 6339 Theory and Techniques of Family Therapy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 6334  or COUN 6327 .
    An introduction to family therapy; theories and techniques of the major approaches; application to multiple settings; ethical issues.
  • PSYC 6340 School Consultation

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to School Psychology Program.
    Examines the process and practices of school consultation with an emphasis on evidence-based methods to consult and collaborate with school staff, families and educational systems.
  • PSYC 6341 Behavior Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to School, Counseling or Forensic Psychology Program.
    The application of learning principles to conduct behavioral assessments and design behavioral management programs in school, home and other environments.
  • PSYC 6342 Early Childhood Assessment

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 6347  
    Assessment of young children to identify their social, motor, communicative, cognitive, and early academic skill levels and developmental needs.
  • PSYC 6343 Professional Practices in Forensic Psychology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to graduate study in Psychology or Criminal Justice, or permission of instructor.
    Teaches ethical and professional issues and roles for psychologists and the behavior and legal issues in penal settings, criminal settings, and tort settings. Formerly “Advanced Forensic Psychology”.
  • PSYC 6344 Ethics & Profession of School Psychology

    Cr. 3
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admissions to the School Psychology Graduate Program.
    Introduces the student to the history, practice, credentials and ethics of school psychology.
  • PSYC 6345 Academic Achievement Assessment

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 6347  
    An intermediate course that prepares students for integrated psycho-educational assessment in school psychology with an emphasis on academic functioning and specific learning disabilities.   Integrated School-Based Assessment I
  • PSYC 6346 Emotional and Behavioral Assessment

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 6347   & PSYC 6345   
    An advanced course that prepares students for integrated psycho-educational assessment in school psychology with an emphasis on social, emotional, and behavioral disabilities. Integrated School-Based Assessment II
  • PSYC 6347 Intellectual and Adaptive Behavior Assessment

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Specialist in School Psychology Program.
    Students learn the fundamental of intellectual and adaptive behavior assessment in the schools such as standardized test administration and writing evaluations.
  • PSYC 6348 School Psychology Practicum

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to School Psychology Program, Permission of Instructor
    Field based opportunity for application of assessment, consultation, and intervention skills in School Psychology. (Formerly : “School Psychology Practicum in Consultation”)
  • PSYC 6350 Addictions Counseling

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 6334  or COUN 6327 
    Theory and treatment of addictive disorders including but not limited to gambling, sexual, eating, alcohol, or drug addiction.
  • PSYC 6351 Crisis Intervention

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 4311  and PSYC 6335 , and admission to master’s program in Psychology, or consent of instructor.
    Theoretical and practical aspects of crisis theory; techniques of crisis intervention.
  • PSYC 6352 Professional Practices

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 6333   and admission to the master’s program in Counseling Psychology.
    Treatment planning and interventions for forensic populations. Includes topics such as identifying treatment goals, case formulation, individual/group treatment strategies or models, therapeutic alliances and boundaries.
  • PSYC 6353 Academic Consultation and Interventions in School Psychology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to School Psychology Program.
    Evidence-based academic interventions and methods in academic consultation for students in School Psychology.
  • PSYC 6354 Research Design & Methods in the Schools

    Prerequisite(s): None
    Students will learn research design, statistics, measurement, data collection, analysis techniques and evaluation methods applicable to applied psychological work in schools.
  • PSYC 6399 Selected Topics in Forensic Psychology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to MA program in Forensic Psychology or consent of instructor.
    May be repeated when topics vary.

Publishing - Graduate

  • PUBL 6305 Publishing Internship

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    The internship will serve as the culminating experience for student, a time to make meaningful connections skills and concepts learned in the classroom and their application in a professional publishing setting. Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour
  • PUBL 6310 Introduction to Publishing

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    A historical overview of the origins, development, and current practices of publishing. Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour
  • PUBL 6311 International Publishing

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Dalkey Certificate in Applied Literary Translation
    A graduate Publishing course whose primary focus is on understanding the nature of funding for literary translations, and on understanding best practices in grant writing for translator support in particular. Cross-listed with ENGL 6311 . Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour
  • PUBL 6312 Publication Design

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    An introduction to design principles and practices for publishing. Current version of Adobe Creative Suite required. Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour
  • PUBL 6314 Legal Environment of Publishing & Contracts

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    An introduction to copyright, contracts and the history of law in publishing Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour
  • PUBL 6316 Style and Editing

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Introduction to copyediting, proofreading and developmental editing. Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour
  • PUBL 6318 Digital Publishing

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    In this graduate seminar, students will learn how to use new media to create publications, including e-books and other digital mediums. Formerly “Advanced Publishing”. Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour
  • PUBL 6320 The Business of Books

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Focuses on the business of books in traditional and digital media. Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour
  • PUBL 6322 Applied Translation

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Dalkey Certificate in Applied Literary Translation.
    A graduate Publishing course whose primary focus is on securing an applied knowledge of literary translation, and on understanding best practices in drafting an acceptable translation in particular. Cross-listed with ENGL 6322 . Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour
  • PUBL 6323 Grant Writing

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Dalkey Certificate in Applied Literary Translation.
    A graduate Publishing course whose primary focus is on understanding the nature of funding for literary translations, and on understanding best practices in grant writing for translator support in particular. Cross-listed with ENGL 6323. Course Fee MS Publishing Course Fee - $40 per semester credit hour

Quantitative Management Science - Graduate

  • QMSC 6300 Selected Topics in Quantitative Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Varies based on course topic.
    May be repeated when topics vary. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $45 per semester credit hour
  • QMSC 6351 Statistics and Research Methods

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing and business calculus.
    A conceptual introduction to the field of statistics, with emphasis on the application of research methodology and statistical techniques to typical business and managerial problems. (Formerly QMS 6311) (Credit will not be given for both QMSC 6351 and QMS 6311.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $45 per semester credit hour

Religion - Graduate

  • RELN 6300 Selected Topics in Religion

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    May be repeated when topics vary.
  • RELN 6312 Religion and Media

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Examines relationship between media and religion and consider how media mediate religious experience.

Science - Graduate

  • SCIE 6300 Selected Science Concepts

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of advisor or school dean.
    Concepts in physical science, environmental science, biology, and earth and space science.
  • SCIE 6302 Independent Study - Science

    Cr. 3.0
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Students requiring courses with the SCIE designation can take this as needed to complete the 18-hour requirement in area of specialization.
  • SCIE 6322 Earth Science

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree
    This course will enhance teachers’ content knowledge in Earth Science. It will include an introduction to geology, matter and minerals, rock, earthquakes, volcanoes, running water and ground water, weather plate tectonics, oceanography, the atmosphere, and the solar system.
  • SCIE 6323 Environmental Science

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree
    This course will enhance teachers’ environmental science teaching skills. It will include the following: environmental science and systems, ecology, human population, conservation biology, resource management, health, water systems and resources, pollution, global climate change, etc.
  • SCIE 6327 Physical Science

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree 
    Application of physics and chemistry for educators teaching grades K-8th grade.  Content includes Newton’s laws, energy, waves, electro-magnetism, and chemical reactions.
  • SCIE 6331 Life Science

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree
    This course enhances teachers’ life science teaching skills.  Topics covered include plant biology, animal structures and functions, genetics, evolution, natural selection, and biodiversity. Formerly: CUIN 6331
  • SCIE 6333 STEM Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the M.Ed. program.
    This course enhances the science teacher’s STEM instructional skills.  It includes practices, core ideas, & crosscutting concepts.

Secondary Education - Graduate

  • SEDU 6367 Literature for Adolescents

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing in the School of Education, Health Professions & Human Development or consent of instructor.
    Emphasis upon selection, criteria for evaluation and guidance of reading interests for 12 to 16 years old.

Special Education - Graduate

  • SPED 6100 Selected Topics in Special Education

    Cr. 1
    Semester Credit Hours: 1
    Prerequisite(s): Approval of instructor.
    Cr: 1 per semester or more than 1 by concurrent enrollment.  May be repeated when topics vary.
  • SPED 6300 Selected Topics in Special Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of advisor and school dean.
  • SPED 6302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3 per semester or more than 3 by concurrent enrollment.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of advisor and school dean.
  • SPED 6305 Educational Diagnostician Practicum

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Full admission to the graduate Diagnostician Certification program as well as completion of SPED 6345. 
    Supervised field experience with administering and interpreting assessments for students with disabilities in the public schools. Seminar meetings to evaluate work in progress.
  • SPED 6321 Introduction to Special Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Survey of disabilities; federal and state mandates; transition; eligibility requirements; and, procedures for creating the optimal conditions for students with disabilities at appropriate developmental levels.
  • SPED 6325 Applied Behavior Analysis

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): SPED 6331 .
    Principles and techniques of behavior analysis and behavior change with incorporated field based experiences.
  • SPED 6326 Programming and Collaboration for Students with Disabilities

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Overview of federal and state special education law, ADA and section 504.  Review of collaborative process for developing and implementing an IEP and transition plan.
  • SPED 6327 Appraisal, Instructional Coaching, and Collaboration

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Appraisal using permanent products, direct observation, informal and curriculum-based assessments and interpretation of formal assessments. Emphasis on collaboration and instructional coaching with school, family and community. Formerly “Appraisal and Collaboration for Students with Disabilities”.
  • SPED 6331 Behavioral Assessment and Adjustment of Exceptional Children and Youth

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Review of functions of behavior, functional behavior assessments, function-based interventions and preference skills assessments.  Opportunities to assess behavior and develop behavior support plans.
  • SPED 6332 Principles of Behavior for the Educator

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Overview of Principles of Behavior including history, philosophy and conceptual framework of applied behavior analysis. In depth examination of principles of behavior applied to working with individuals with disabilities.
  • SPED 6334 Diagnostic Teaching, Assistive Technology and Instructional Strategies

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Strategies, assistive technology, and materials for students based on formal and informal assessment with emphasis on reading, math, functional living skills and community based instruction. Formerly “Diagnostic Teaching and Instructional Strategies”.
  • SPED 6335 Ethical and Professional Conduct for the Applied Behavior Analyst

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Survey of guidelines, and disciplinary and ethical standards for responsible conduct for the Behavior Analyst. Students will evaluate various ethics scenarios from Applied Behavior Analysis.
  • SPED 6336 Behavior Applications; Focus on Autism and Developmental Disabilities

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Review of autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities. Focus on applied behavior analysis techniques as they apply to teaching and working with children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities in a variety of settings.
  • SPED 6337 Teaching Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Overview and analysis of teaching practices for students with ASD. Teaching methods based on applied behavior analysis, structured teaching, developmental and experiential approaches will be discussed.
  • SPED 6338 Behavior Intervention Procedures for Educators

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): SPED 6332 
    Principles and concepts of behavior change and applied behavior analysis techniques. Measurement of behavior, procedures to establish new behavior, and increase decrease behavior will be taught.
  • SPED 6339 Communication Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Survey of language development and verbal and non-verbal communication in student with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Augmentative and alternative communication interventions will be discussed.
  • SPED 6340 Philosophical and Historical Foundations of Behavior Analysis

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Overview of the history, philosophy and scientific foundations of behaviorism, radical behaviorism and applied behavior analysis.
  • SPED 6343 Transitions for Students with Disabilities

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Survey of issues in transitions from home to pre-kindergarten; kindergarten to primary school; primary to secondary school; and secondary school to independent adult life.
  • SPED 6344 Educational Assessment of Students with Disabilities

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): SPED 6345  
    Review, administration and interpretation of achievement, reading, math, written oral language, perceptual motor and adaptive behavior tests used in educational settings.
  • SPED 6345 Intellectual Assessment

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Administration and Interpretation of standardized intellectual tests, including nonverbal and early childhood instruments used in public schools; report writing and application of special education law. (Replaces PSYC 6336  for Education plans.)
  • SPED 6346 Supervision and the Behavior Change Program

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; Completion of SPED 6325   and SPED 6331   is required for enrollment in this course. 
    Supervision strategies and review of systems for behavior analysts supervising and training future behavior analysts and care providers to implement behavior change programs. 

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