Feb 13, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Student Admission

Freshman - First Time Enrolled

An applicant who graduated or will graduate from a U.S. high school (accredited, non-accredited, or home school) or earned a GED certificate must meet 2 of the 3 following requirements to be eligible for regular admission:

  • Rank in the top 50% of the graduating senior class. * (Not applicable to GED or homeschooled students.)
  • Overall high school grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale under the “recommended” or “distinguished” high school program, or a curriculum that is equivalent in content and rigor as the recommended or advanced program.
    Note: Students who pass the GED exam will be recognized as satisfying the 2.0 grade point average (GPA) requirement.
  • A minimum score of 18 on the Enhanced American College Test (ACT) OR a minimum score of 940 on the New Scholastic Assessment Test (New SAT) [Evidence-Based Reading/Writing & Math sections].

*Per HB588 - An applicant will be automatically admitted if they graduated in the top 10% of their class from an accredited Texas public high school within the two years prior to the academic year for which admission is sought, and an application is submitted by the published deadline.

Home-schooled students are required to take and submit either the ACT or SAT exam and meet 2 of the 3 requirements listed above.  Upon receiving test scores, the student will be assigned a class rank based on the average class rank for those with comparable exam scores.  Home-schooled transcripts must be signed by the principal.

A permanent resident alien who has completed two or more years in, and graduated from, a U.S. high school is required to meet the admission requirements established for U.S. citizens.


An applicant with 12 or more semester credit hours of college credit, other than high school advanced/dual credit.

A transfer undergraduate student must have earned at least a 2.0 (A=4.0) cumulative grade point average in all non-remedial college level coursework from a(n) CHEA recognized institutional accreditation agencies.

A student who is not eligible to continue work at another institution because of academic failure will not be admitted to this university until he/she has met UH-Victoria’s Readmission from Academic Suspension policy:

  • A first suspension applies to the fall or spring term, plus any intervening summer sessions, immediately following the suspension. A student would be eligible to reenroll after the suspension period.
  • Students placed on first academic suspension at the end of a fall semester are not eligible to re-enroll until the following summer.
  • Students placed on first academic suspension at the end of a spring semester are not eligible to re-enroll until the following spring.
  • Students placed on first academic suspension at the end of a summer session are not eligible to re-enroll until the following spring.

If suspended a second time, the student may not reenroll for a period of at least one year (12 months) and must submit a petition in writing to the academic dean for readmission.

Example: Placed on second suspension after the Fall 2020 term; eligible to re-enroll Spring 2022 upon successful appeal to the academic dean.

If suspended a third time, a student may not reenroll at UH-Victoria for a minimum of three years. Students may appeal to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs for reinstatement after the third year. Example: Placed on third suspension after the Fall 2020 term; eligible to appeal for reinstatement after the Fall 2023 term.

University of Houston System Student Pathways

Undergraduate students from UHV or other UH System campuses may participate in the UH System Student Pathways Program by submitting the one-page Pathways application to attend any UH System institution without applying through the ApplyTexas website. Students who choose this option may take up to six approved credit hours of coursework to apply to their current undergraduate degree plan. The courses may be taken during a single semester or in two different semesters. Currently, the program allows for a maximum of 6 hours during the student’s academic career and the courses must apply to the student’s current degree at the home institution. There is no application fee, and all university services at both the home and the host institution are available to students during the semesters in which they are enrolled in the program. At the conclusion of the semester, the student’s grade(s) and credit(s) are sent back to the student’s “home” university automatically. Financial aid is also available through consortium agreements among the four universities. Contact your academic advisor or the UHV Pathways coordinator for information about the process.

Transient (Visiting) Undergraduate Students (one full term only)

UHV will accept transient students who have met the following requirements:

  • Apply Texas Application.  A $25.00 non-refundable/non-transferrable application fee will be required.
  • Letter of proof of enrollment in good standing at their home college or university or official or unofficial transcript.
  • Cumulative college or university grade point average of at least a 2.0 on a 4.0 scale on all transferable hours.

Transient students are typically enrolled at another institution who may want to take a course(s) and then transfer them back to their “home” institution. Transient students considered non-degree seeking and are limited to one semester with transient status. A student who chooses to continue enrollment at UHV must submit a new application and official transcripts from all schools previously attended before being allowed to register for any subsequent terms.

Admissions Appeals

A student disapproved for admission are entitled to have their application re-evaluated through the appeals process. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Office of Admissions and Student Recruitment. To submit an admissions appeal, please visit the eForms website to complete and submit the “Admissions Appeal” form. UHV reserves the right to admit any applicant on probation.

Readmission of Former Undergraduate Students

Former UHV students are required to submit:         

  • Readmit Admission application on GoApplyTexas
  • $25 application fee
  • Official transcripts from all institutions attended since last enrollment at UHV (if applicable)

Former students are considered anyone:

  • who has not enrolled at UHV for 13 uninterrupted months (3 consecutive terms) from their initial semester,
  • with an application which has been discontinued for non-enrollment,
  • who has earned a bachelor’s or graduate degree.

Academic Fresh Start

An undergraduate applicant for admission who is a Texas resident may seek to enter UH-Victoria pursuant to the “academic fresh start” statute, Texas Education Code 51.931.  If an applicant elects to seek admission under this statute, the institution will not consider academic course credits or grades earned by the applicant 10 or more years prior to the starting date of the term in which the applicant seeks to enroll.  An applicant who elects to apply under this statute may not receive any course credit for courses taken 10 or more years prior to enrollment.

An applicant must inform the Office of Admissions and Student Recruitment in writing if the student wishes to apply under the “fresh start” statute.  Forms are available in the Office of Admissions and Student Recruitment.

Adult Admission Program

The Adult Admission Program is designed to offer an opportunity for students to return to college.  Applicants must be at least 25 years of age, have graduated from high school or received their GED, and have earned fewer than 12 college credit hours. Standardized tests are optional. Individuals eligible for this program are exempt from taking the SAT and ACT tests are admitted under the provisions of the Adult Admission Program. Students are subject to all other academic and programmatic requirements of the university (e.g., Texas Success Initiative requirements).

Adult Admission application process:

  • An application for admission, which can be completed online at GoApplyTexas
  • A non-refundable $25 application fee
  • An official copy of the high school transcript(s) or GED certificate or diploma
  • Official transcripts of and previous dual-credit/university work if applicable
  • Adult Admissions Program request form

** Students born outside of the U.S. and/or with International Transcripts

English translated official high school transcript(s), test scores, mark sheets or diploma

Students with college/ university courses/ degree/ diplomas from an institution outside of the U.S. must follow the International Transcript Process listed https://www.uhv.edu/international/apply-for-program/transcripts/

Students who wish to pursue an academic field in Education may need to submit the English Proficiency Requirement (EPR) to be admitted into the program. All other fields may require EPR to be waived through a Waiver.

All documents can be sent electronically to Admissions@uhv.edu or by mail to:

University of Houston-Victoria

Office of Admissions and Transfer Credit

3007 N. Ben Wilson

West Building, Suite #122

Victoria, TX 77901

Dual Credit Program

The purpose of Dual Credit is to provide high school students with an opportunity to acquire university course credit at University of Houston-Victoria that supports their high school curriculum and introduce them to the Jaguar experience. 

Dual Credit students are responsible for following both their high school and UHV policies and procedures found in this catalog and the UHV student handbook.


A high school student is eligible to enroll in an academic dual credit course if the student meets all college’s standards under the provisions of the Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2 (TSIA2) test. In addition, the school district must have a valid memorandum of understanding (MOU) on file with the University pursuing Dual Credit.

Students will be assessed Reading, Writing, and Mathematics prior to enrollment and show they meet the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirement:

For TSIA2 administered January 11, 2021 and after

  • ELAR (Integrated Reading and Writing)
    • CRC score of a 945-990 with an Essay of 5-8, or
    • CRC of a 910-944 with a Diagnostic Level of 5-6 and an Essay of 5-8
  • MATH
    • CRC score of 950-990, or
    • CRC score of 910-949 with a Diagnostic Level of 6

For TSIA administered prior to January 11, 2021

  • Mathematics: 350
  • Reading: 351
  • Writing: Essay Score of 5; Essay Score of 4 and Multiple Choice of 340

TSI Exemptions and other approved scores for Dual Credit

All students in Texas public colleges are required to take the TSI Assessment unless the student qualifies for a TSI exemption. In addition, high school students can be waived from taking the TSI Assessment by submitting approved placement scores.  A high school student may be exempt or waived from taking the TSI Assessment by meeting one of the following requirements.

  • Achieve a STAAR EOC 4000 score for English II and/or Algebra I (and in conjunction, a passing grade in Algebra II course relevant to the courses to be attempted
  • Achieve an ACT Composite of 20 or higher; (Minimum 19 English and 19 Mathematics)
  • Achieve an SAT Total of 1070 (Minimum 480 EBRW and 530 MATH combined)
  • Achieve a PSAT Section Score of 460 (EBRW) and 510 (MATH)
  • Achieve a PLAN Composite of 23 (Minimum 19 English and 19 Mathematics)


A student’s first step in the application process is to meet with their high school counselor to receive formal approval and academic advising on appropriate class selection. Students should then be ready to continue through the application process:

  • Application:  Apply Texas
  • Student Portal:  MyUHV
  • UHV Dual Credit Course Request: Submit a Dual Credit Course Request‌ and return the completed form to your high school counselor.
  • Test Scores: Determine & verify student has the required test scores. If a student needs to take the TSI test, please visit the UHV Testing Center for the schedule of test dates.
  • Transcript: Submit current high school transcript to Admissions@uhv.edu
  • Authorization to Release Educational Records: Authorization to Release Educational Records Form
  • Registration: Registration for classes will be processed by the Enrollment Management office.
  • Pay for Course(s): MyUHV account 
  • Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Record: For all students under 22 years of age, submit proof of Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination or exemption. This is only required for students taking courses on the UHV campus.

Academic profiles are created with submitted documentation and admission decisions based on that profile and accomplishments to date.  High school representatives are accountable for ensuring documentation is complete and submitted on time. It is recommended that all documents are submitted together.

Dual Credit students who wish to continue their studies at The University of Houston-Victoria after high school graduation will be considered for readmission upon application as First Time in College Freshmen and will be invited to attend the Freshman Orientation.

Excluded Courses from Limit

Courses taken by students while enrolled in high school - whether for dual credit, early college credit, or for college credit alone are excluded from the course drop limit.

Dual Credit Academic Probation and Suspension

Dual Credit students must maintain eligibility by earning grades of C or better in each class to continue in the program.

Dual Credit Academic Probation

Students are placed on academic probation at the end of any term when a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.00 is not attained in college-level courses. Students are not subject to academic probation until a minimum of six semester hours of UHV dual credit courses have been attempted. Students on academic probation will be allowed to enroll in the next term but may not register for more than 6 hours of dual credit courses in that term.

Dual Credit students who enroll while they are classified as being on academic probation may continue to enroll in succeeding terms providing, they achieve at least a 2.00 GPA each term, even though their cumulative GPA is still below 2.00.

Dual Credit Academic Suspension

Dual Credit students who enroll in dual credit courses while on academic probation will be suspended from the succeeding long-term if they fail to achieve at least a 2.00 GPA in dual credit courses for that term.

  • Students placed on academic suspension at the end of a fall semester are not eligible to re-enroll in dual credit courses until the following summer.
  • Students placed on academic suspension at the end of a spring semester are not eligible to re-enroll in dual credit courses the following spring.
  • Students placed on academic suspension at the end of a fall semester are not eligible to re-enroll in dual credit courses until the following spring.
  • Students are only allowed to return to the dual credit program after one academic suspension.

Dual credit students that are suspended a second time, those students lose their eligibility for the dual credit program.

Dual credit students placed on academic suspension at the end of the spring semester of their senior year and wish to continue their studies at UHV after high school graduation will be considered for readmission after completing an appeal with the registrar. Contact the Office of the Registrar and Student Records for more information.

Concurrent Enrollment Program

If you are a student that has completed their junior year in high school, you are now eligible to enroll at UHV by applying for admissions under our Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP). This program will allow students to earn college credit before their high school graduation and get jumpstart on their university studies. Concurrent students may not enroll in more than two university-level courses each long semester or summer session.

  • For students to participate in the CEP, they must:
  • Have completed their junior year in high school; however, high school freshman, sophomore and junior students must undergo an admission reviewing process by the Concurrent Admissions Committee.
  • Rank in the top 50% of their class
  • Have a “B” average (3.0 GPA)
  • Be TSI complete by presenting minimum SAT score of 480 EBRW and 530 MATH, or a minimum ACT scores of 23 Composite, 19 English and 19 Mathematics.                                                                                                                                    Fill out the Dual-Credit/Concurrent Enrollment Agreement with parent or guardian acknowledging and understanding of the program granting approval for participation

Students are required to submit the following:

  • Complete the U.S Freshman Dual Credit/Concurrent Enrollment Application through the ApplyTexas Website at http://www.goapplytexas.org/
  • Submit a Non-refundable Application Fee of $25.00
  • Submit official high school transcripts and SAT or ACT scores
  • Dual-Credit/Concurrent Enrollment Agreement form must be submitted each subsequent semester and students must maintain a 2.0 or higher-grade point average based on a 4.0 scale to continue in the program

Concurrent Admission to University of Houston-Victoria is only granted for the semester for which students apply. Students who do not enroll for the semester they are approved, should contact the Office of Admissions and Student Recruitment before attempting to enroll for another semester.

Concurrently admitted students will be required to pay the regular tuition rates and will be permitted to enroll in college courses conducted during and after school hours and during summer terms. Students will be allowed to enroll in up to six hours of freshman or sophomore-level courses. Keep in mind that students within CEP do not qualify for Financial Aid or Scholarships.

Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination requirement - Must show evidence of having received the Bacterial Meningitis vaccination or qualified exemption. (Students who are 22 years of age or older or planning to take online courses only - no campus-based courses- are exempt.)