Sep 23, 2024  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Course Descriptions


Course Numbering System

Each course is represented by four capital letters followed by a four-digit numeral (e.g., FINC 3311).

The letters form an abbreviation for the instructional area while the numeral is interpreted as follows:

First Digit: The first digit indicates academic level and provides information regarding restrictions as to undergraduate and/or graduate student enrollment:

1000 and 2000 series –undergraduate lower division
3000 and 4000 series – undergraduate upper division (normally for undergraduate students but with advisor approval for graduate students).
6000 series – graduate courses (for graduate students only except for undergraduates with an approved mixed load petition).

Second Digit: The second digit indicates the amount of credit awarded. For example, a course numbered 4331, carries three semester hours of credit.

Third and Fourth Digits: The third and fourth digits are used to distinguish between courses within an instructional area. Course Punctuation

One of the following marks of punctuation may immediately follow the course number, or may separate a series of course numbers. Internal punctuations (between multi-listed courses) take precedence over all punctuation in a series of course numbers. The significance of each mark of punctuation is as follows:

  • Colon – A colon (:) following a course number indicates that the course may be taken as an independent one-semester course. This also applies when two course numbers are separated by a colon.
  • Comma – A comma (,) between course numbers indicates that both courses must be taken before credit is received for either, but the second course may be taken first.
  • Hyphen – A hyphen (-) between course numbers indicates that both courses must be taken before credit is received for either. The first course must be completed before the student enrolls in the second course, or if “concurrent enrollment only” is shown in the course description, both courses must be taken at the same time.
  • Semicolon – A semicolon (;) between course numbers indicates that the first course may be taken and justify credit without completion of the second course, but the second course cannot be taken without the first as prerequisite.

The three numbers in parentheses (0-0-0) after each course title indicate the number of semester credit hours, the number of class hours per week, and the number of additional laboratory or activity hours per week.


Health Studies - Undergraduate

  • HLST 2301 Introduction to Health Professions

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    This class provides an overview of the diverse career options available within public health, as well as, introduces APA-style writing.
  • HLST 3302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3 per semester or more than 3 by concurrent enrollment.
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of school dean.
  • HLST 3311 Medical Terminology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Introduction to anatomical, physiological and pathological terms. Identify and use prefixes, suffixes and roots used in Health care communication.
  • HLST 3312 Public Health

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper-division standing in Health Studies
    Introduction to public health concepts and practice. Topics include philosophy, purpose, history, organization, functions, tools, activities and results at global, national, state, and community levels.
  • HLST 3313 Foundations of Health Promotion and Prevention of Illnesses

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper-division standing in Health Studies
    Emphasis on foundational development, assessment, education and evaluation of community-based health promotion and illness prevention strategies in collaboration with inter-professional disciplines.
  • HLST 3315 Health Literacy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper-division standing in Health Studies Corequisite(s): HLST 3313 ; HLST 3312 - Waived
    Provides learners opportunities to explore the significance of health literacy and associated tools and approaches used in public health, health promotion to enhance well-being.
  • HLST 3316 School Health Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper-division standing in Health Studies
    This course provides a general understanding of health concepts, health behaviors, and health concerns of school-aged children and at-risk youth to promote healthy school-communities.
  • HLST 3318 Epidemiology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper-division standing in Health Studies
    This course is designed to provide students with the skills, concepts and methods used in epidemiological studies of diseases.
  • HLST 3319 Human Diseases

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper-division standing in Health Studies
    Provides an understanding of the etiology and treatment of diseases. Emphasis on non-communicable diseases and their impact in individuals and on greater society.
  • HLST 3320 Personal Health

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to upper-division standing in Health Studies
    Emphasizes the attitudes, skills, and knowledge pertaining to personal health. Topics covered but not limited to: stress, fitness, nutrition, tobacco use, substance/alcohol abuse, and violence.
  • HLST 3402 Independent Study

    Cr. 4 per semester or more than 4 by concurrent enrollment.
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of school dean.
  • HLST 3411 Health Promotion Programming

    Cr. 4
    Semester Credit Hours: 4
    Class Hours Per Week: 4
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing, HLST 3313 , HLST 3312 .
    Focus on program planning principles and education that promote health, wellness, and equity. Introduction to grant writing skills. Explore best practices for a wide variety of diverse settings.
  • HLST 4311 Global and Environmental Health

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing, HLST 3314, 3312 , and 3313 .
    Evaluate environmental factors in ecosystems impacting the health of diverse populations. Examine political, economic, demographic, and diversity challenges within a global society.
  • HLST 4312 Health Care Ethics and Policy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing in Health Science Studies, HLST 3411 , 4311 .
    Explores political, legal, ethical, and advocacy healthcare policy issues. Focuses on personal, societal, and professional influences in healthcare.
  • HLST 4411 Internship with Public Health Focus (60 internship)

    Cr. 4
    Semester Credit Hours: 4
    Class Hours Per Week: 2
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 60
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing in Health Science Studies; HLST 4311 . 4312 , and 4412 .
    Directed practical experience in health care facilities. Builds on public health promotion, illness prevention, and health education with inter-professional relationships. Provides a capstone experience allowing the student to integrate knowledge, behaviors and professional attributes acquired throughout the curriculum.
  • HLST 4412 Research and Evaluation in Health Promotion

    Cr. 4
    Semester Credit Hours: 4
    Class Hours Per Week: 4
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Upper-division standing in Health Science Studies, HLST, 3411 , 4311 , and PSYC 3315 .
    Introduces the research process and presents research methods of design, analysis, interpretation, and communication of results used to support and evaluate evidence-based practice of global and public health.

History - Undergraduate

  • HIST 1301 U.S. History I

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Prerequisite(s): TSI complete in Reading and Writing or a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1300 .
    Survey course of US history from 1492 to 1865 including social, political, intellectual, economic and military history will be explored.
  • HIST 1302 U.S. History II

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Prerequisite(s): TSI complete in Reading and Writing or a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1300 .
    Survey course of US history from 1865 to present, including social political, intellectual, economic and military history will be explored.
  • HIST 2310 Texas History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3.0.
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Prerequisite(s): TSI complete in Reading and Writing.
    Survey of the social, economic and political history of Texas.
  • HIST 2311 Western Civilization to 1600

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Prerequisite(s): TSI complete in Reading and Writing.
    Surveys the people, ideas, events and major trends - economic, social, political and cultural in western civilization from pre-history up to about 1600.
  • HIST 2312 Western Civilization Since 1600

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Prerequisite(s): TSI complete in Reading and Writing. Surveys the people, ideas, events and major trends - economic, social, political and cultural in western civilization from 1600 to about 2000.
  • HIST 3310 History of Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    The history of education from primitive societies to the present, including the progression of philosophical thought leading to the structure of today’s schools.
  • HIST 4300 Selected Topics in U.S. History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301 , HIST 1302  or approval of instructor.
    Topical courses in U.S. history. May be repeated for credit when topic varies.
  • HIST 4301 Historiography and Methodology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Introduces history majors to historiography and to the methodology of historical research and writing. Recommended taken in the first semester of upper-level course work.
  • HIST 4302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3 per semester or more than 3 by concurrent enrollment.
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): 6 s.h. in history and consent of instructor.
  • HIST 4303 Colonial and Revolutionary North America

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Covers the history of North America from the age of European colonization to the implementation of the U.S. Constitution.
  • HIST 4304 Early Republic and Antebellum U.S.

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Covers U.S. history from 1789 to 1860.
  • HIST 4305 Civil War and Reconstruction

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Covers the U.S. Civil War and Reconstruction, roughly from 1850 to 1877.
  • HIST 4306 The Gilded Age and Progressive Era

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Covers U.S. history from the Gilded Age through the Progressive Era (1878-1920).
  • HIST 4307 World Wars and the New Deal

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Covers World War I, the inter-war years, the New Deal, and World War II with a focus on the United States.
  • HIST 4308 Age of Consensus and Turbulent 60s

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Covers U.S. history in the 1950s and 1960s.
  • HIST 4309 U.S. History Since 1970

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Covers U.S. History in the 1970s.
  • HIST 4310 Selected Topics in European History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Topical courses in European history. Formerly “History of the U.S. 1900-1945”
  • HIST 4320 Selected Topic in Latin American History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Topical courses in Latin American history. Formerly “History of England to the 18th Century”.
  • HIST 4380 Selected Topics in European History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and 1302  or Instructor Approval.
    Topical courses in European history.
  • HIST 4390 Selected Topics in Latin American History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and 1302  or Instructor Approval
    Topical courses in Latin American history.

Humanities - Undergraduate

  • HUMA 3301 Music Literature and History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor or MUSI 1307 .
    This is a course investigating the history of music emphasizing the development of musical forms and important musical pieces from antiquity until the end of the nineteenth century. Students will listen to music as well as read about the history of music. Cross-listed with MUSI 3301 .
  • HUMA 3310 Philosophy of Art

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    This course is an examination of several consequential philosophic aesthetic theories. Topics such as the cultural significance of art, the role it plays in human life, why we dedicate resources to it, and what the benefits of art might be will be investigated.
  • HUMA 3320 History of the Theatre

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
    This course is an investigation of the history of the dramatic arts. Topics will include how the theatre has been influenced by society, how society influences the theatre, and how non-European cultures have treated the dramatic arts. Cross-listed with DRAM 3320 .
  • HUMA 4300 Selected Topics in the Humanities

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Focuses on a humanities topic that does not belong exclusively to any single traditional discipline, for example, utopian thought or women in transition. May be repeated for credit when topics vary.
  • HUMA 4301 Contemporary Music Analysis

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): MUSI 1307  or Permission of Instructor.
    This is a course investigating contemporary music. Developments of musical forms in the twentieth- and twenty-first century will be investigated. Students will listen to music as well as read about the history of music. Cross-listed with MUSI 4301 .
  • HUMA 4302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
  • HUMA 4312 Classical Greece and Rome

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Intensive study of classical Greece and Rome from an inter-disciplinary perspective.
  • HUMA 4313 Medieval and Renaissance Civilization

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Intensive study of the Middle Ages and Renaissance in Europe from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  • HUMA 4314 The Age of Enlightenment

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Intensive study of the 17th and 18th centuries from an inter-disciplinary perspective.
  • HUMA 4315 The Age of Revolution

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Intensive study of the period from the American Revolution to 1850 from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  • HUMA 4316 Critical Studies in Race, Class, and Gender

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1301 , ENGL 1302 .
    Introduces students to concepts from theoretical and cultural discourse on gender, race, and class through interdisciplinary investigation of histories, literatures, and arts with the intention of improving cultural literacy in global contexts.
  • HUMA 4317 The Modern Era

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Major trends from the mid-nineteenth century to the present studied from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  • HUMA 4318 African American Culture

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 1301  and HIST 1302  or Instructor
    Approval Introduces Humanities majors to the basics of African American culture, including history, literature, art, an music.
  • HUMA 4322 Ethics

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Introduces students to the history of moral philosophy in the western tradition from the pre-Socratics to contemporary thinkers, and exposes students to the fundamental issues of moral philosophy and to the major positions on how to address them.
  • HUMA 4323 Asian Culture

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Introduction to Middle Eastern, Indian, Chinese, and Japanese cultural traditions, including music, literature, philosophy, art, architecture, with an emphasis on the overlap between these disciplinary boundaries.
  • HUMA 4324 Gender Studies

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Introduction to current gender theory and the ways gender shapes behavior in areas such as the family, the labor force, and politics.
  • HUMA 4325 Hispanic Heritage, Culture & Civilization to 1848

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Overview of Pre-Hispanic cultures and exchanges created by European arrival. The course is organized with an historical/topical format, including analysis of the political, cultural, economic, scientific and religious underpinnings of Pre-Columbian and subsequent interaction with European cultures.
  • HUMA 4326 Hispanic Heritage, Culture & Civilization from 1848

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    History and development of Hispanic Culture in the US within the Larger context of contact with “Anglo” culture, continuing relationships with Spain, and the changing juxtaposition of minority/majority groups, especially immigrants. Selected topics about political, cultural, economic, educational, scientific and religious issues of importance to Latinos.
  • HUMA 4341 Dimensions of Western Religion

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    This course examines the theological, social and philosophical problems raised by the history of religion in the West, focusing on the Judeo-Christian tradition.

Interdisciplinary Studies - Undergraduate

  • INDS 2310 Structure of the Social Sciences

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Basic study of the structure of social sciences. Includes research techniques and major concepts.
  • INDS 3323 Child Development and Its Application To Learning

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program
    Theories of growth and social, emotional, physical and intellectual development in children and youth with some attention to their application to classroom management.
  • INDS 3324 Child Development and Learning

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education
    Theories of growth and social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of individuals with reference to classroom experiences. Certification only EC-4, 4-8, 8-12.
  • INDS 4315 The Psychology of Film

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    A study of film and the psychological techniques employed to generate audience interest and participation.

International Business - Undergraduate

  • IBUS 4300 Selected Topics in International Business

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and approval of instructor.
    May be repeated when topics vary.
  • IBUS 4316 International Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): MGMT 3303 
    A survey of international management issues studied from the perspective of the individual and the organization. Topics include the international environment, conducting business in international settings, and managing effectively in multi-cultural settings. (Cross-listed with MGMT 4316 .) (Credit will not be given for both IBUS 4316 and MGMT 4316 .)
  • IBUS 4325 International Marketing

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): MKTG 3303 
    The study of the economic, social, cultural, legal, political and regulatory environment required for developing a global marketing strategy and plan. (Cross-listed with MKTG 4325 .) (Credit will not be given for both IBUS 4325 and MKTG 4325 .)
  • IBUS 4331 International Finance

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): FINC 3304.
    Application of finance principles in the international environment; including the nature of the balance of payment mechanism, the factors affecting the foreign exchange markets; defensive techniques to protect the business against foreign exchange risk; and investing, financing, and working capital management within a multinational firm. (Cross-listed with FINC 4325.) (Credit will not be given for both IBUS 4331 and FIN 4325.)

Kinesiology - Undergraduate

  • KINE 1301 Foundations of Kinesiology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    An overview of the historical, philosophical and scientific basis for kinesiology, including career opportunities and professional academic organizations in sport, fitness and physical education.
  • KINE 2101 Self-Defense

    Cr. 1
    Semester Credit Hours: 1
    Class Hours Per Week: 0
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 3
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Students will learn self-defense techniques. Class meets for a minimum of 3 hours per week during the semester.
  • KINE 2102 Racquetball

    Cr. 1
    Semester Credit Hours: 1
    Class Hours Per Week: 0
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 3
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Students will learn skills and techniques used in playing racquetball. Class meets for a minimum of 3 hours per week during the semester.
  • KINE 2103 Introduction to Spinning

    Cr. 1
    Semester Credit Hours: 1
    Class Hours Per Week: 0
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 3
    Course Level: Lower Division

    This course will encourage students to cultivate a healthy attitude towards exercise and the importance of an active physical lifestyle through participating in a spinning class. Class meets for a minimum of 3 hours per week during the semester.
  • KINE 2104 Weight Training

    Cr. 1
    Semester Credit Hours: 1
    Class Hours Per Week: 0
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 3
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Students will learn effective and proper weight training techniques. Class meets for a minimum of 3 hours per week during the semester.
  • KINE 2105 Zumba

    Cr. 1
    Semester Credit Hours: 1
    Class Hours Per Week: 0
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 3
    Course Level: Lower Division

    Students will engage in Zumba dance. Class meets for a minimum of 3 hours per week during the semester.
  • KINE 2210 Sport Management

    Cr. 2
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    This course will introduce students to the operating principles for programs in intercollegiate athletics, professional sports, recreational sports, and community sport associations.
  • KINE 2310 Contemporary Wellness

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    An analysis of the multi-dimensional nature of health and well-being, including the role of individual behavior and lifestyle play in reducing death and disability through risk factor attenuation and accident avoidance. This course includes methods of enhancing well-being and optimal quality of life through scientifically-based health habits in the individual, classroom, workplace and community.
  • KINE 2311 Motor Learning and Development

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    An examination of the acquisition and performance of motor skills throughout the lifespan. The practical application of motor skill development for physical education, sport, and fitness is emphasized.
  • KINE 2312 Kinetic Anatomy

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    This course is analysis of the skeletal, muscular, and neurological structure and function aspects of human movement with emphasis on sport and fitness activities.
  • KINE 2313 Sport Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    This course will introduce students to the operating principles for programs in intercollegiate athletics, professional sports, recreational sports, and community sport associations.
  • KINE 2314 Communication in Sport

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Lower Division

    This course is an investigation of public relations and communication practices in sport including reputation management, media relations, crisis communications, community relations, and fostering relationships with key publics.
  • KINE 3302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3. Per semester or more than 3 by concurrent enrollment.
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of School Dean.
  • KINE 3310 Adapted Physical Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 1301 , KINE 2311 
    An overview of the knowledge and subject matter commonly included in adapted physical education, provides an opportunity to develop competency for teaching physical education to persons with disabilities and/or special needs. Fieldwork may be required for this course.
  • KINE 3311 Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    An analysis of physical conditioning, sport skill performance, and injury prevention using the principles of mechanical physics.
  • KINE 3312 Physiology of Exercise

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 2310 .
    An examination of the physiological and biochemical responses of the human body to the stress of physical exertion and the implications for fitness conditioning and sport performance.
  • KINE 3313 Scientific Principles of Strength and Conditioning

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 3311 , KINE 3312 
    This course teaches students appropriate lifting techniques, dietary restrictions for athletes, writing conditioning programs, proper sprinting techniques. Prepares students to pass NSCA Strength and Conditioning exam.
  • KINE 3314 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 3311 , KINE 3312 .
    Concepts of anatomy, mechanism of injury, and administration of athletic training. Students are able to demonstrate basic mastery of athletic injuries of all body parts.
  • KINE 3315 Facility Management and Design

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Emphasis on supervising athletic facilities and different aspects of organizing, promoting, scheduling, officiating, leagues and tournaments, risk management and evaluation of intramural sports related activities. (Formerly : “Facilities Management and Intramural Sports”)
  • KINE 3316 Foundations of Exercise and Sports Psychology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    This course examines psychological theories and research related to sport and exercise behavior that could improve or hinder athletic performance.
  • KINE 3317 Nutrition in Sports and Exercise

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 3312 
    Scientific basis for sports nutrition emphasizing basic nutritional concepts used for fuel and post recovery to enhance human performance. (Formerly : “Sports Nutrition”)
  • KINE 3318 Sports Conditioning and Program Design

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 3313 
    This course covers the theory and practice of sport training methodologies for enhancing the athlete’s physiological capacity to reach a high level of performance.
  • KINE 3319 Financing Sports Organizations

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    This course will examine traditional and innovative methods of revenue acquisition available to sport organizations and current financial challenges. (Formerly : “Finance and Sports Organizations”)
  • KINE 3320 Marketing and Promotion in Sports

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    This course provides students with an understanding of the marketing issues within the sport industry within the private and public sectors.
  • KINE 3321 Legal Issues in Sport and Exercise

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    This course provides knowledge of the judicial system and current legal issues in sport including risk management, eligibility, discrimination, drug testing, and Title IX.
  • KINE 3322 Sociology of Sport and Exercise

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    This course explores the way sports are entangled in social, cultural, political, and economically from social psychological levels to the global level.
  • KINE 3323 Applied Exercise Physiology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 3312 
    This course will provide information related to the physiological responses of the human organism to exercise and exercise training.
  • KINE 3324 Economics in Sport

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Examination of economic concepts and applications within the sport industry including industrial organization, finance, labor relations, non-profit entities, and economic theory applied to sport.
  • KINE 3325 Governance in Sport

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    An investigation of the various agencies governing sport. Includes an examination of the agencies, their authority, organizational structure, and their function.
  • KINE 3402 Independent Study

    Cr. 4 per semester or more than 4 by concurrent enrollment.
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of school dean
  • KINE 4303 Kinesiology Student Teaching

    Cr. 3
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Teaching Physical Education in accredited schools. Students are required to attend professional seminar.
  • KINE 4304 Kinesiology Student Teaching

    Cr. 3
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Teaching Physical Education in accredited schools. Students are required to attend professional seminar.
  • KINE 4310 Coaching Theory and Application

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 2311 , KINE 3312 .
    An examination of effective principles and practices in coaching and administration. Fieldwork may be required for this course.
  • KINE 4311 Testing and Prescription of Exercise

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 3311 , KINE 3312 .
    Principles and techniques of testing and interpreting fitness, wellness, and sport performance using sound measurement principles, basic statistical analysis, and common research methods. Formerly “Measurement and Evaluation”.
  • KINE 4312 Teaching Early Childhood and Elementary Physical Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 2311 , KINE 3312 .
    Examination of current trends, issues, and pedagogical methods of teaching and facilitating learning of physical education in the pre-kindergarten and elementary school curriculum. Programming, problem-solving, and community outreach activities will be emphasized. Fieldwork in the public schools may be required for this course.
  • KINE 4313 Teaching Middle and High School Physical Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 2311 , KINE 3312 .
    Examination of current trends, issues, and pedagogical methods of teaching and facilitating learning of physical education in the middle and high school curriculum. Programming, problem-solving, and community outreach activities will be emphasized. Fieldwork in the public schools may be required for this course.
  • KINE 4314 Laboratory Techniques in Kinesiology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 2
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 1
    Course Level: Upper Division

    Prerequisite(s): KINE 3311 , KINE 3312 
    This course gives students the opportunity to promote their mastery of anatomical structure and function for human movement, fitness and exercise.

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