Sep 23, 2024  
2017-2018 Academic Catalog 
2017-2018 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Course Descriptions


Course Numbering System

Each course is represented by four capital letters followed by a four-digit numeral (e.g., FINC 3311).

The letters form an abbreviation for the instructional area while the numeral is interpreted as follows:

First Digit: The first digit indicates academic level and provides information regarding restrictions as to undergraduate and/or graduate student enrollment:

1000 and 2000 series –undergraduate lower division
3000 and 4000 series – undergraduate upper division (normally for undergraduate students but with advisor approval for graduate students).
6000 series – graduate courses (for graduate students only except for undergraduates with an approved mixed load petition).

Second Digit: The second digit indicates the amount of credit awarded. For example, a course numbered 4331, carries three semester hours of credit.

Third and Fourth Digits: The third and fourth digits are used to distinguish between courses within an instructional area. Course Punctuation

One of the following marks of punctuation may immediately follow the course number, or may separate a series of course numbers. Internal punctuations (between multi-listed courses) take precedence over all punctuation in a series of course numbers. The significance of each mark of punctuation is as follows:

  • Colon – A colon (:) following a course number indicates that the course may be taken as an independent one-semester course. This also applies when two course numbers are separated by a colon.
  • Comma – A comma (,) between course numbers indicates that both courses must be taken before credit is received for either, but the second course may be taken first.
  • Hyphen – A hyphen (-) between course numbers indicates that both courses must be taken before credit is received for either. The first course must be completed before the student enrolls in the second course, or if “concurrent enrollment only” is shown in the course description, both courses must be taken at the same time.
  • Semicolon – A semicolon (;) between course numbers indicates that the first course may be taken and justify credit without completion of the second course, but the second course cannot be taken without the first as prerequisite.

The three numbers in parentheses (0-0-0) after each course title indicate the number of semester credit hours, the number of class hours per week, and the number of additional laboratory or activity hours per week.


Curriculum and Instruction - Graduate

  • CUIN 6105 Professional Certification Internship

    Cr. 1
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval by Program Coordinator
    Supervised instructional internship in schools. May be repeated as needed.
  • CUIN 6300 Selected Topics in Curriculum and Instruction

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of advisor and school dean.
  • CUIN 6302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of advisor and school dean.
  • CUIN 6305 Professional Research

    Cr. 3
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): FEDU 6321  or FEDU 6322  and approval of instructor.
    Designing and conducting independent and original school-based research projects.
  • CUIN 6306 Practicum in Gifted/Talented Education

    Cr. 3
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): CUIN 6370 , 6371 , 6372 , 6373 , and advisor approval.
  • CUIN 6308 Master’s Thesis

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

  • CUIN 6309 Master’s Thesis

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

  • CUIN 6311 Curriculum & Technology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Basic computer skills.
    Educators learn to use and evaluate the use of current multimedia technology in restructuring the learning environment to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • CUIN 6312 Human Development and Learning

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education VOICE Program
    Theoretical study of the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of children and adolescents as they apply to learning experiences in the classroom.
  • CUIN 6314 Classroom Practice, Process, & Procedure

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education VOICE Program
    Formulation and implementation of the essential knowledge and skills necessary for becoming a professional educator. Content includes theories of curriculum development, instructional technology, and classroom management.
  • CUIN 6315 Application of Physics for Teachers

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Introduction of basic concepts in physics and the utilization of inquiry method for teaching physics in elementary schools.
  • CUIN 6316 Application of Educational Roles & Responsibilities I

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education VOICE Program; Must be employed in an Internship as Teacher of Record
    This course is designed to provide interns with the skills needed to fulfill their professional roles and responsibilities in an accredited school setting.
  • CUIN 6317 Application of Educational Roles & Responsibilities II

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education VOICE Program; Must be employed in an Internship as Teacher of Record
    This course is designed to provide interns with the skills needed to fulfill their professional roles and responsibilities in an accredited school setting.
  • CUIN 6318 Practicum Seminar

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education VOICE Program
    This course provides an understanding of the complex and dynamic nature of teaching.
  • CUIN 6319 Practicum in Teaching

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education VOICE Program; CUIN 6318 Practicum Seminar 
    The Practicum in Teaching is supported by current research practices in a public school or TEA accredited private school and guided by a mentor teacher.
  • CUIN 6320 Models of Teaching

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education VOICE Program
    Formulation and implementation of various teaching strategies supported by current research theory and practice to promote learning in EC-12 classrooms.
  • CUIN 6321 Principles of Curriculum Development

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Analysis of curriculum foundations. Research reviewed on curriculum construction/development models, successful implementation and curriculum evaluation.
  • CUIN 6322 Principles of Curriculum Organization

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Principles of curriculum organization and the selection and evaluation of instructional materials. Rationale underlying major positions on those issues.
  • CUIN 6327 Theory and Practice of Adult Learning

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Overview of theories, practices of adult learning. Curricular foundations for higher education. Study of andragogy, self-directed learning, situated learning and transformational learning. Exploration of effective classroom methodology - critical thinking and instruction via current technologies.
  • CUIN 6328 Internship in Higher Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Mentoring of higher education faculty with classroom visits, professional seminars on selected topics. Guided development of individual research or study plans in the specific teaching field of the intern.
  • CUIN 6331 Application of Life Science for Teachers

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree
    This course will enhance teachers’ life science teaching skills. It will include the following topics: plant biology, animals’ structures and functions, genetics, evolution, natural selection, biodiversity, and cells.
  • CUIN 6332 Education in a Diverse Society

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Examination of psychological, sociological, political and economic forces on education within various communities. (Formerly “Education in a Multicultural Society”).
  • CUIN 6335 Applications of Environmental Science for Teachers

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree.
    This course will enhance teacher’s environmental science teaching skills. It will include the following: environmental science and systems, ecology, human population, conservation biology, resource management, health, water systems and resources, pollution, global climate change., etc.
  • CUIN 6336 Applications of Science Methods for Teachers

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree.
    This course enhances teacher instructional skills. It includes case studies, teaching science as inquiry, teaching for understanding, the nature of science, classroom planning, management, assessment and evaluation.
  • CUIN 6337 Applications of Earth Science for Teachers

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Bachelor’s Degree.
    This course will enhance teachers’ Earth Science knowledge and instructional skills. It includes topics and principles in geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy.
  • CUIN 6338 Application of Chemistry for Teachers

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Introduction of basic concepts in chemistry and the utilization of inquiry method for teaching chemistry in elementary schools.
  • CUIN 6341 Teaching Problem Solving

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to EC-4 or 4-8 Master Math Teacher Cert. Prog.
    Methodology and content for understanding and using mathematical processes to reason, solve problems, make connections and communicate mathematically to teach the statewide curriculum.
  • CUIN 6342 Assessment in Mathematics

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to EC-4 or 4-8 Master Math Teacher Certificate Program
    Methodology and content for selecting assessments for diagnosing, evaluating, and reporting student progress and to become more effective teaching the statewide curriculum.
  • CUIN 6343 The Math Teacher as Leader

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to EC-4 or 4-8 Master Math Teacher Certificate Program
    Study of leadership skills and best practices for mathematics teachers as leaders working with school, districts, state and/or national (NCTM) initiatives and issues.
  • CUIN 6346 Math Applications and Research

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education.
    Mathematical concepts, skills and research, which address Standards and TExES, will be objective of class with reference to classroom experiences.
  • CUIN 6347 Teaching Number Concepts

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to EC-4 or 4-8 Master Math Teacher Certificate Program
    Methodology and content research on number systems and their vertical alignment, operations, algorithms, and quantitative reasoning to teach the statewide curriculum.
  • CUIN 6348 Teaching Algebra and Geometry

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to EC-4 or 4-8 Master Math Teacher Certificate Program
    Methodology and content for understanding and applying patterns, relations, and functions; algebraic, analytic, geometric, and spatial reasoning; and measurement concepts to teach the statewide curriculum.
  • CUIN 6349 Teaching Probability and Statistics

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to EC-4 or 4-8 Master Math Teacher Certificate Program
    Methodology and content appropriate to understand probability and statistics, the applications and vertical alignment of probability and statistics concepts to teach the statewide curriculum.
  • CUIN 6350 Teaching the Social Sciences & History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Recent literature, teaching methods and trends. (Formerly : EED 6350 Teaching the Social Studies.)
  • CUIN 6370 Introduction to Gifted/Talented Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Post-baccalaureate status.
    Survey of gifted education: topics include characteristics, identification procedures, programs, curriculum, instructional strategies, assessment of current issues, and professional literature.
  • CUIN 6371 Learning Theories Applicable to Gifted/Talented Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): CUIN 6370 .
    Psychological theories and teaching/learning models related to gifted/ talented education. Includes research on creative and critical thinking.
  • CUIN 6372 Curriculum for Gifted/Talented Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): CUIN 6370  and CUIN 6371 .
    Strategies and techniques for developing differentiated curriculum. Includes scope and sequence, instructional strategies, material selection, evaluation and current literature.
  • CUIN 6373 Assessment and Guidance for Gifted/Talented

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): CUIN 6370 .
    Identification and evaluation of gifted students. Includes interpretation of appropriate objective and subjective measures. Study of psycho/social nature and needs of gifted.

Early Childhood Education - Graduate

  • ECED 6302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of advisor and school dean.
  • ECED 6355 Early Childhood Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Programs for young children and the analysis and interpretation of related research.
  • ECED 6357 Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Principles of curriculum and development, classroom organization; and evaluation for the EC-6 programs.
  • ECED 6358 Seminar in Early Childhood Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Intensive study of contemporary issues in early childhood education.
  • ECED 6359 Tests and Measurements in Early Childhood

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Identify, analyze and evaluate assessment methodology for young children. Emphasis on the analysis of the research on evaluation practices for young children.
  • ECED 6367 Literature for Children

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): LIT 3325 or equivalent or consent of instructor.
    Analysis of fiction and nonfiction, approaches to criticism and emphasis upon criteria for selection of books for literary study.

Economics - Graduate

  • ECON 6300 Selected Topics in Economics

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 6351 .
    May be repeated when topics vary. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • ECON 6351 Economics for Managers

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    A study of the domestic and global economic environment of organizations. (Credit will not be given for both ECON 6351 and ECO 6311.) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • ECON 6361 Managerial Economics

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 6351 and QMSC 6351.
    Application of calculus and statistics to economic theory. Major emphasis is to provide theory and tools that aid decision making process in private and public enterprise. (Formerly ECO 6315) Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • ECON 6367 Global Economics

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): ECON 6351.
    This course is designed to provide students with an overview of today’s global economy and markets. The contemporary issues in the global economy arise from the dynamics of the economic relations among nation states as each attempts to better position itself in the increasingly interdependent and competitive world. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour

Economic Development and Entrepreneurship - Graduate

  • EDEN 6350 Introduction to Economic Development and Entrepreneurship

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing required for enrollment
    This course investigates the complicated intermingling of public and private roles in economic development within cities and surrounding regions. Topics include: small business development and government subsidies, approaches to land acquisition and disposition, private provision of public benefits through exactions, linkage, and inclusion/incentive zoning, strategic capital investments, and urban redevelopment strategies. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • EDEN 6351 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing required for enrollment
    At the center of entrepreneurial activity is the individual entrepreneur combined with an opportunity to create something new and valuable. This course investigates the relation between the entrepreneur and the opportunity to ignite the creative spark that leads to this creation. Topics include who the entrepreneur is and the entrepreneur’s contribution to society, creative thinking, innovation, opportunity recognition, opportunity evaluation, franchising opportunities, global entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial resources. Due to topical overlap, credit will not be given for both EDEN 6351 and MGMT 6376 on the same degree plan. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • EDEN 6352 Developing the Business Plan

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): EDEN 6351 
    Turning a viable entrepreneurial opportunity into valuable enterprise is a critical part of the entrepreneurial process. This course will use the development of a formal business plan to teach the student the process of turning an opportunity into a real enterprise. Topics include developing the marketing plan, financial plan, formal organization plan, and production/service plan. Additional topics will include tax issues, legal and regulatory issues, intellectual property protection, and risk management. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • EDEN 6353 Nurturing and Growing the Fledgling Venture

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing required for enrollment
    This course investigates the early stages of a firm’s Growth, which are critical to long-term success. Topics include financial analysis and control, sources of early-stage financing (both private and public), establishment of a strong customer base, human resource issues for early-stage firms, the basics of planning and budgeting, leadership, managing change, E-commerce, ethical behavior and social responsibility, and management for long-term growth. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • EDEN 6354 Growing the Successful Venture

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): EDEN 6353 
    This course investigates the challenges and issues facing the entrepreneur as the firm grows and matures beyond the early stages. Topics include private and public funding sources, including going public; strategic planning; human resource issues for the growing firm; managing change; growth and expansion options; leadership; ethical behavior and social responsibility; succession planning; estate planning; and exit strategies. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • EDEN 6355 Economic Development and Entrepreneurial Finance

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing required for enrollment
    The course examines the fundamentals of economic development finance, including an overview of economic development finance, business credit analysis, fixed asset financing, real estate financing, sources of private and public finance, and capital budgeting. Coverage also includes entrepreneurial finance designed to help managers make better investment and financing decisions in entrepreneurial settings, including venture capital and private equity. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • EDEN 6356 Methods in Economic Development

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing required for enrollment
    This is an introductory course in data analysis, methods of measurement, survey techniques, data presentation, economic and demographic trend analysis, location analysis as applied to economic development, and GIS. Emphasis will be on computer applications. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • EDEN 6357 The Practice of Local Economic Development

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): EDEN 6350 , EDEN 6355 , and EDEN 6356  
    This course introduces students to the practices underlying the field of economic development. Economic development is a field that has grown in importance in recent years as the post-modern economy in the United States has evolved away from traditional manufacturing jobs towards service-oriented industries. This restructuring has heightened the competition between cities for economic growth and new development, leading to a new wave of strategies and programs to develop new industries or attract relocating firms. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • EDEN 6358 Theory and Practice of Regional Economic Development

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): EDEN 6350  and EDEN 6356 
    This course examines issues surrounding sustained economic growth, such as retention of the existing firms to maintain economic growth for the region while adding new businesses. Topics include the supply chain; human resources; cluster analysis; location analysis with emphasis on location decision-making and investment by different types of businesses; foreign direct investment; international trade; land use policy (natural resource and environment); and the SWOT analysis. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour
  • EDEN 6359 Economic Development and Entrepreneurship Project

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Must be within nine hours of graduation.
    The course is designed to allow students to apply knowledge and skills learned throughout the program to a specific project. Students will be required to complete a project that has an economic development focus, entrepreneurship focus, or both. The project will be approved by the course instructor and graduate program director prior to registration for the course. Course Fee Graduate Business Fee - $75 per semester credit hour

Education - Graduate

  • EDUC 6310 Integration of Curriculum and Technology in Education

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Experiential learning to gain knowledge and skills to integrate technology in the instructional and administrative aspects of learning environments.
  • EDUC 6311 Social Networks and Media Infused Learning

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission into graduate program.
    Exploration of the educational implications for the use of social networks and media infused learning to generate ideas of those media into educational learning environments. Theory, research and practice will occur in multiple social cyberspaces.
  • EDUC 6312 Digital Learning Environments

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission into graduate program.
    Examination of current technology curriculum research about theoretical foundations, critical issues, trends, diffusion and adoption of technology historically as integrated into curriculum.
  • EDUC 6313 Creating Advanced Technology Learning Environments

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission into graduate program.
    Development of advanced technology learning environments and user experiences as applied to the concept of technology-based learning to facilitate connections between interdisciplinary approaches of user experience, design and development of teaching learning in multiple disciplines.
  • EDUC 6314 Computer and Internet Law

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Federal, State, and local laws regulating the use of computers and Internet and the legal application to teaching and learning will be discussed and analyzed.
  • EDUC 6315 Curriculum Design in Digital Learning Environments

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course introduces principles of curriculum design and learning theories in creating environments that use the attributes and resources of the Internet and digital resources.
  • EDUC 6316 Multimedia Design

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    This course is designed to introduce principles of multimedia learning theories as well as the fundamentals of multimedia as an instructional tool.
  • EDUC 6317 Project in Educational Technology

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Completions of all required technology courses.
    Learners will independently design, develop, and implement a technology-infused project within an allocated time frame.
  • EDUC 6350 Internship in the Integration of Curriculum & Technology in Education

    Cr. 3
    Course Level: Graduate

    Supervised experience in professional settings to prepare students to create curriculum and technology integrated learner environments.

Education Leadership, Administration and Supervision - Graduate

  • ELAS 6102 Independent Study

    Cr. 1 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of Instructor.
    Provides small-scale independent study projects in areas of interest to the participant- including extended practicum/internship experiences, without modifying program plan requirements.
  • ELAS 6300 Selected Topics in Administration and Supervision

    Cr. 3 per semester or more than 3 by concurrent enrollment.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of instructor.
    May be repeated when topics vary.
  • ELAS 6302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Approval of instructor.
    Individual study of areas in educational administration. Requirements jointly established by staff and student.
  • ELAS 6303 Practicum in General Administration

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): By application.
    Practical assignment to provide experiences in the administration of institutions other than schools.
  • ELAS 6304 Internship in Educational Leadership

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): By application.
    Academic-year-long assignments to provide experiences in administrative functions of the schools including building, campus, and central office functions.
  • ELAS 6305 Practicum in Educational Leadership

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): By application.
    Academic-year-long assignments to provide experiences in administrative functions of the schools including building, campus, and central office functions.
  • ELAS 6306 School Supervision Practicum

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): By application.
    Academic-year-long assignments to provide experiences in the application of the theory and principles of instructional supervision. Includes regular seminars.
  • ELAS 6307 School Supervision Practicum

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): By application.
    Academic-year-long assignments to provide experiences in the application of the theory and principles of instructional supervision. Includes regular seminars.
  • ELAS 6308 Internship for the School Superintendency

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): By application
    Semester-long assignments to provide experiences in the activities and responsibilities of the superintendent of schools.
  • ELAS 6309 Practicum for the School Superintendency

    Cr. 3 per semester.
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): By application.
    Academic-year-long assignments to provide experiences in the activities and responsibilities of the superintendent of schools.
  • ELAS 6310 Theoretical Foundations and Functions of Educational Administration

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    The course will provide the foundation of understanding of fundamental concepts upon which school administration is based.
  • ELAS 6311 Functions of Educational Administration

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Historical development of educational administration as a career. The duties and responsibilities of school administrators at building, campus and system levels.
  • ELAS 6312 The Administrative Role in Student Achievement

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Approaches to improving student achievement through human resource development of teachers. Implementation, support, and evaluation of interventions will be based on research and best practice.
  • ELAS 6313 Ethics in Educational Administration

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Familiarize upper-level graduate students with ethical theories that can be utilized in policy development and administration of school districts.
  • ELAS 6315 Principles of Instructional Supervision

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Principles and problems involved in supervision of school curricula. Basic practices of the curriculum supervision are included.
  • ELAS 6316 Instructional Leadership

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Leadership functions for supervision and improvement of the school curriculum. Incorporates current practices in evaluation of instructional programs and personnel.
  • ELAS 6317 Managing Change For Diversity

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Emerging issues and trends will be examined through process experiences. Emphasis is on diverse population needs (socio-economic and ethnic) and strategies to meet changing educational needs.
  • ELAS 6331 Education Law

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Legal principles involved in operating educational systems; authority, responsibility, liability and appeals; Texas educational law and significant court holdings.
  • ELAS 6332 Special Education Law

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Course will familiarize students with current issues in the field of special education law.
  • ELAS 6335 School Evaluation

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Practices and procedures for evaluation and accreditation of the many aspects of school management functions; emphasis is on evaluation of personnel and the instructional program.
  • ELAS 6336 School Business Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Principles and practices of the financial management of the local school campus and district with emphasis on the leadership role and state accounting requirements.
  • ELAS 6337 Functions of Mid-Management Administration

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Functions of school administration at the building, campus and district levels in positions other than the superintendency.
  • ELAS 6341 Personnel Management

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Responsibilities in the identification of staffing needs, recruitment, interviewing, induction, evaluation, motivation, growth development, compensation, contract negotiations, conflict resolution, termination, and technology in personnel management.
  • ELAS 6342 Educational Policy and Finance

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Economic relationships and problems in local, state and national financial support of education; state financial systems, local taxation, program budgeting, cost accounting, indebtedness and fiscal management. (Formerly AED 6333 Educational Finance)
  • ELAS 6343 Public Affairs and Community Relations

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Purposes, functions and practices of information, communications and public affairs programs related to education. External and internal communication techniques are emphasized.
  • ELAS 6345 Educational Facilities and Environment

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Planning educational facilities and learning environment; program analysis for facility planning; administration of building projects; plant maintenance and operation

English - Graduate

  • ENGL 6300 Selected Topics in English

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Focuses on a number of English topics, including major authors, pop culture, speculative literature, and many others.
  • ENGL 6302 Independent Study

    Cr. 3
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor approval.
    Independent study in any topic related to English or Cultural Studies.
  • ENGL 6308 Master of Fine Arts Thesis

    Cr. 3
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Students must complete at least 24 hours of MFA program coursework before requesting a thesis director and enrollment in this course.
    This is the Master’s Thesis course for the MFA in creative writing. An MFA thesis is a book length work of literary merit. May be repeated once for credit.
  • ENGL 6310 Grant Writing

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Dalkey Certificate in Applied Literary Translation.
    A graduate Publishing course whose primary focus is on understanding the nature of funding for literary translations, and on understanding best practices in grant writing for translator support in particular.
  • ENGL 6311 International Publishing

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Dalkey Certificate in Applied Literary Translation.
    A graduate Publishing course whose primary focus is on understanding the nature of funding for literary translations, and on understanding the best practices in grant writing for translator support in particular.
  • ENGL 6312 Young Adult Literature

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; may be repeated for credit, with approval of program director (if topics differ in the semesters).
    In-depth analysis of literature in the Young Adult Literature genre, including theoretical and historical foundations.
  • ENGL 6313 World Literary History

    Cr. 3
    Semester Credit Hours: 3
    Class Hours Per Week: 3
    Additional Laboratory or Activity Hours Per Week: 0
    Course Level: Graduate

    Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing; may be repeated for credit, with approval of program director (if topics differ in the semesters).
    In-depth analysis of a selected period or major movement in world literary history. Focuses on the relation between literature, culture, language, and context in which it was produced.

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